Double standards in the United Nations

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Afrasianet - Dr. Laith Kamal Nasrawin - The Zionist enemy continues its brutal aggression against the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, where the Israeli war machine is adept at using all forms of force and military weapons to inflict the greatest material and human losses in the occupied territories. The convoys of righteous Palestinian martyrs are increasing daily, with innocent children, women and civilians advancing through their ranks whose only fault is that they dream of living in freedom and dignity on their occupied soil.

It is no longer a secret that the usurping entity has repeatedly violated the rules of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in its war crimes and genocide in occupied Palestine. Any criminal conduct committed by the occupying army constitutes a clear violation of international conventions and conventions, as its attack on the Baptist Hospital and mosques and churches constitutes a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions and their annexed protocols, which are intended to provide protection for civilians during wars and armed conflicts.

The Security Council, which was established under the Charter of the United Nations in 1945 to be primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, fails to carry out its most basic responsibilities and tasks. It has so far been unable to issue a resolution to stop the war on the Gaza Strip, despite the previous third attempts by the major powers allied to Israel and using their veto power to simply ask the occupying enemy to stop its brutal acts against the Palestinian people.

Arab dreams have not yet dared to call on the Council to condemn the entity in its frenzied inhuman war and to use its powers contained in Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, which include the severance of diplomatic relations and the use of force by asking Member States to put at the disposal of the Council the necessary armed forces and assistance, and to form a special committee of the staff of war for this purpose.

On the other hand, a few days ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a draft resolution submitted by Jordan on behalf of the Arab Group, which includes in its final form the approval of "an immediate, lasting and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities." This resolution remains a non-binding international recommendation pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of the Charter of the United Nations.

The unprecedented bias of the United Nations and its Security Council in favour of the Zionist entity has exposed the falsity of this international body and its inability to play the role hoped for. The fig leaf has fallen completely from this Zionist-American institution, which has proven far and wide that it is a politicized international actor that is no longer able to play its role in the maintenance of international peace and security, and that the time has come to reconsider it fundamentally in favor of replacing it with a new international body capable of acting for the benefit of the international community equally and impartially.

The circumstances and conditions that led the world to abolish the League of Nations and replace it with the current United Nations body in 1945 are now more clearly and specific. The League of Nations, established in 1920 after the First World War to prevent the recurrence of any further wars, failed to spare the world the scourge of the Second World War and was doomed.

The international scenario is repeated decades later, where the United Nations has weakened and weakened, which today suffers more than ever from great influence over its stolen will, no longer able to even pass a resolution to stop a war crime no less heinous than previous world wars.

What Gaza is witnessing today is more severe than previous world wars; it is a war between an occupying Zionist party that enjoys the full support of the world's major countries and liberation resistance movements with limited technical and military capabilities, but which have faith in the justice of their cause and their right to recover their occupied land.
* Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Jordan
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