The Fall of the West - Roots and Repercussions

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Afrasiant - Mowafaq Mahadin - The barbaric positions of the occupying entity reflect its fear and that of the West, especially in light of the rise of China and Eurasian Russia, and the cracking of the ground under the feet of the brutal global capitalist system that was established several centuries ago.

"The fall of the West."

 We borrow this expression from the German philosopher, Spengler, who used it after World War I, and we re-launch it to this West in all its expressions, American and European, in light of its shameful positions on the Zionist crimes in Gaza, and after almost an entire century in which the West has increased in brutality, decadence, and criminality, and one of its manifestations was The last is Borrell's (the European Union's Foreign Affairs Commissioner) classification of the world between white races and the rest as the barbarians of the century, a statement in which he relied on the philosopher of American barbarism, Huntington, and his well-known book on the clash of civilizations.

After the decadent and shameful positions of the leaders of the West, which were biased toward Zionist barbarism against women, children, schools, and houses of worship in Gaza, they showed at the Cairo summit a brutal arrogance that was unparalleled in decadence, and they repeated their previous positions by refusing to sign a statement calling for a humanitarian truce that would allow the population to be supplied with water and food and to treat the wounded.

It is certain that the aforementioned disgraceful and barbaric positions reflect fear for their Zionist protege and for their fate as well in light of the rise of China and Eurasian Russia, and the cracking of the ground under the feet of the brutal global capitalist system that they have established for several centuries. This is because the fall of the West and its decline in the humanitarian test in Gaza has deeper roots.

It is deeper than that, and goes back to what is known as the Westphalian system, which emerged in the seventeenth century, and under which capitalist states and their alleged liberal discourse were formed.

The roots of Western decadence Since its founding in the seventeenth century, the state of Westphalia has been the state of the West or the metropolises (capitalist centers), which develops and feeds at the same time on its global surroundings of colonial regions, peoples and countries.

Colonialism is an essential part of its nature, sources and resources, and it did not intensify this as the Chicago School and its Jewish philosopher intensified it.

The American, Milton Friedman, apparently derived his basic idea of the savage capitalist jungle or social Darwinism from the idea of the chosen people and the biblical goyim. Likewise, the ideas of Thatcher and Reagan appeared as an application of these ideas.

Based on this, colonialism was linked to the capitalist state of Westphalia as forests attached to the Great Blonde Forest, and the truth is that this state did not always pass on its brutality in a blatant manner, as it recognized other masks, from the lies of urbanization in the early colonial stages, to the lies of human rights in the imperialist stage of capitalism.

In the first case, the lies of urbanization stemmed from the existence of a civilized group confined to the capitalist West, and savage barbaric groups in the south and east that needed to be civilized by fire, and for that reason they also invented social fields and sciences such as Orientalism, anthropology, and cultural centralism.

The second case was no less racist according to many of its philosophers, such as Mill and Strauss, who linked recognition of elections and ballot boxes to their results according to Western interests. Indeed, John Locke, the main authority for liberal groups, linked political freedoms to market freedoms.

Just as the liberal elites were used against their people in the case of the lies of urbanization, similar elites from human rights groups and colored revolutions were used in the second case, and both times the missions of these elites were summed up as circumventing the national liberation program and replacing it with illusions of liberalism, in addition to dozens of experiments that demonstrated the falsity of democratic claims.

For example: - Organizing bloody coups against democratically elected presidents or parliaments according to the same liberal model, as happened in Chile in 1973, and as happened in Russia after the Soviet collapse when Yeltsin, a friend of the West, ordered the bombing of parliament with tanks, and finally the mentioned shameful positions of the European Union and the United States regarding crimes. Zionism and the genocidal war against the Palestinian Arab people in Gaza.

The historical decline of the Westphalian system In contrast to the flimsy and faltering theses about the end of history and its closure on the capitalist era, as Fukuyama and his students went, west and east, from liberals, colored revolution groups, and foreign financing, what is more accurate is that we are on the threshold of the decline of this system according to dozens of theoretical references from within it itself, and over the course of its successive centuries, and among these references that are not Socialist readings and other approaches by thinkers from the Global East and South include:

Spengler in his book “The Decline of the West.”

 - Toffler in his book “The Shift of Power.”

- Brzezinski in his book “America Between Two Ages.”

- Paul Kennedy in his book “The Rise and Fall of Great Powers.”

 - Ulrich Schaefer in his book “The Collapse of Capitalism.” Patrick Deneen in his book Why Liberalism Failed.

 - Naomi Klein in her book “Disaster Capitalism.”

Reference is also made to the writings that were born in the forerunners and climates that preceded and followed the French bourgeois revolution, such as the writings of Gustave Le Bon and Montesquieu about the rise and fall of Rome.

Economic manifestations of the decline of the Westphalian system Almost four centuries after the emergence of the Westphalian capitalist system and its states, the importance of early readings of Marx in his huge volume, Capital, appears again, especially his approaches to organic composition and the global social division of labor.

In those readings, Marx considered technological development and the ongoing scientific revolution to be an accompanying feature of transformations.

Capitalism increasingly leads to the expulsion of millions from the labor market, to a widening of the distance between capitalist production relations and productive labor forces, and to an increasing contraction of industrial production lines in favor of an ever-inflating technological head.

Among the repercussions of this are what concerns the second law, which is the global division of labor, which leads to transformations in the relationship between the center and the periphery, and the emergence of new industrial centers every time.

It is noted here that these centers take on a complex character that reinforces the climate of decline and decline of the Western capitalist centralizations, which is the character of the East - South.

Which coincides with new forms of conflict in favor of the East-South, resulting from the politically restored role of geopolitics and its well-known theories and the position of Russian Eurasia and the Chinese Silk Road in it.

Political manifestations of the decline of the Westphalian system In one of his early books, “America Between Two Ages,” which he published at the end of the sixties of the last century, the strategic mind of American imperialism, Brzezinski, predicted the decline of the Soviet Union within two to three decades due to what he called the aging of the last generation of bureaucracy, and he predicted the decline of the United States decades later. Few, due to the widening contradiction between the classical structure of capitalism and the information revolution.

There are many other warnings from the heart of imperialism, including what Paul Kennedy wrote in “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers.”

However, the most important political action that launched the countdown to all the founding narratives of the Westphalian state and system was what Toffler broadcast in his successive volumes (The Shift of Power), and as he benefited from The imperialist mind, represented by Brzezinski, from Marxist analyzes in diagnosing the possibilities and prospects of the Westphalia state, Toffler repeated the same thing when he noticed the widening distance between the major transformations in the capitalist structure and the role of the information and technology revolution, and its political form, which has become old and without significant changes, which is the form derived from contract theories.

Social development that accompanied capitalism in its early stages.

Another indication of this is that the aforementioned objective environment for this disintegration coincides with two phenomena that reinforce this disintegration, namely:

- The failure of the capitalist system to fuse ethnic components into a true civil fabric that goes beyond the crust to the depths of social formations, as evidenced by the great potential for the disintegration of more than one capitalist state, due to internal ethnic tensions, such as Catalonia and the Basques in Spain, Scotland and Northern Ireland in Britain, Corsica in France and northern Italy. .

- The renewed rise of fascism and Nazism in all regions of the capitalist West, which is the rise resulting from the exacerbation of structural crises and the attempts of the capitalist oligarchy to shift the aforementioned crises from their capitalist source to Asian, African and Latin labor, which works in climates similar to the ancient world of slavery and slavery.

Intellectual manifestations of the decline of the Westphalian system

We know that the state that emerged from the bourgeois revolution and the climates of Westphalia was established according to a system of concepts or major narratives such as national identity, enlightenment, liberalism, man, reason, human being...etc. So where did these concepts end with capitalism entering its most brutal and decadent imperialist stage? ?

If the aforementioned grand narratives were inherent in early capitalism, then the demolition of these narratives in the name of deconstruction, with its basic titles and symbols such as: Derrida, Lyotard, and Barthes, is the basic characteristic of the imperialist stage, from the state of enlightenment in the era of Kant, the philosopher of enlightenment, and the state of the spirit and mind attributed to the German philosopher Hegel.

To the world of brutal imperialism and the declaration of the death of man and the critical mind, and the intellectual declines associated with this world:

1- Racism in all its anthropological and social Darwinian expressions and its political manifestations in Nazism, fascism, and Malthusianism.

2- The philosophy of the market

- the jungle and the survival of the most savage, as formulated by the Chicago School and its aforementioned American Jewish philosopher, Friedman, who considered any form of state intervention in the economy and social policies to be in violation of the natural law of savagery, according to his point of view.

3- The death of man, whether in its first declaration through Foucault, structuralism, and vulgar materialism, or in its non-humanistic stage, where humans are reduced to a mixture of genetic engineering, brain manipulation, and biology, more dangerous than imagined by Mary Shelley’s novel (Frankenstein) and Orwell’s novel (1948).

4- The death of the mind, through various forms of exalting the status of instincts (Dionysian instinct against reason and Apollo) according to the philosopher Nietzsche, or through transforming the mind from a critical mind under the control of man to an instrumental mind against him, as noted by the New Critical philosophy of the Frankfurt School.


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