I will reveal a secret to you.” An American economist: Washington lied about Kiev

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 Afrasianet - The American economist, Jeffrey Sachs, asserts that the United States believes that it rules the world, that it is the only superpower, and that it can do whatever it wants. The American economist, Jeffrey Sachs, confirmed today,

Tuesday, that "paranoia" made the United States believe that it rules the world, noting that its values allowed it to carry out sabotage operations, overthrow governments and wage wars, under false pretexts.

Sachs revealed, in a video clip that was circulated in the media and social media, that the US administration had planned to include Ukraine in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,

"NATO", since 1992. Jeffrey Sachs said: "I will reveal to you a secret, the United States lied, because since 1992 there have been plans to expand NATO, including Ukraine."

Sachs added that he "recently spoke with a prominent historian who works with archival material, and confirmed to him that Ukraine was indeed on the list in 1992." Sachs accused the United States of arrogance, stressing that it "believes that it rules the world, that it is the only superpower, and that it can do whatever it wants."

He pointed out that because of this behavior, the United States allowed itself to do whatever it wanted, whether it was sabotage operations, overthrowing governments, waging wars under false pretexts, or bombing Belgrade and Libya. Sachs concluded, saying, "Don't wait to get the truth...because you won't get it."

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