Will Libya remain hostage to Dabaiba?

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Afrasianet - Alhabeeb al-aswad - The escalation announced by the delegation of the Joint Military Committee “5 + 5” affiliated with the General Command of the Libyan National Army was expected, and was preceded by a number of signs that the engineer Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba did not find time to capture, nor was his government prepared to deal with it.

Today, there are omens of real division on the ground and serious fears of returning to the square of chaos, just because Dabaiba clings to power, and the UN mission compliments him, and the ambassadors of Western capitals match him in his endeavors as a reward for his constant willingness to implement the wishes and requests of their governments.

Since he succeeded in disrupting the elections and postponing them to an indefinite date, Dabaiba has been working to return Libya to the square of chaos and division, ensuring that he will remain in his position as prime minister for other years, and to achieve this it was necessary to ally with militias and armed groups and complete normalization with foreign forces and networks Corruption, the wealthy of the crisis and warlords, and from expressing complete submission to the current of the Mufti, Sadiq al-Ghariani, and pretending to listen and obey the regional and international forces influential in the Libyan file.

The Joint Military Committee “5 + 5”, which is considered so far the most serious, persistent and successful party, and the people see it as a symbol of patriotism and a distinct example of the Libyan military that believes in the sovereignty of its state, the immunity of its country and the unity of its society.

In light of the weakness of the Presidential Council, especially its Chairman, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Dr. Muhammad al-Manfi, who divides most of his time between his office in Tripoli and his home in Athens, where his family resides. He can disrupt the committee's tracks, whether by intimidation or enticement, and those close to him have indicated to him that the best way is to bet on re-escalation of the relationship with the army command in Benghazi by relying on direct provocation, and they suggested to him that he order his government to refrain from paying the salaries of the soldiers affiliated with the General Command, which is What actually happened, in return for the increase in the allocations of warlords and the salaries of militias.

The scene was indeed provocative. The army, which guards and secures more than 50 facilities between oil fields and ports in the east, central and south of the country, its members cannot find what they need for their families and children during the month of Ramadan, while hundreds of millions of dollars go to militias, mercenaries and foreign forces.

Social media showed a video of a commander in the Ministry of Defense in Tripoli, ordering the payment of March wages to the soldiers of the western region, as a kind of relief from army personnel who did not receive their salaries for the fourth consecutive month.

Dabaiba believes that his uncompromising stance towards Haftar and his forces is the best way to gain the support of the militias and the loyalty of political Islam, and he sees, dreaming of staying in the seat of power, that the best guarantee for this is the continuation of the conflict with the east and the army At the beginning of the crisis, the Dabaiba government had argued that the army leadership had refrained from providing the Ministry of Finance with a nominal list of its cadres, and the leadership responded in a first stage that the matter was related to the safety and security of the military, especially their families, including those residing in the western region, especially since the authorities in Tripoli are not Separated from the militia system that controls the Ministry of Defense, the Chief of Staff, the General Intelligence, internal and external security, and even the anti-terror teams, most of which are infiltrated from outside, and they continue to pursue a policy of impunity.

More than a week ago, it was announced that eight gunmen were killed in clashes in the center of the capital between a militia affiliated with the Presidential Council and another affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior.

The government did not bother to publish a statement explaining the incident, and the Public Prosecutor did not notice the need to open an investigation.

On the twenty-second of last March, representatives of the General Command of the Joint Military Committee “5 + 5” demanded that the salaries of army personnel be paid without any delay, and called for politicians not to interfere in the work of the committee, and warned that the Dabaiba government’s continued withholding and stopping the payment of salaries to the armed forces Three months ago, and the month of Ramadan is at the door, it may result in the collapse of the military track and a return to the square of chaos, division and instability, and they pointed out that all of this bears the responsibility and consequences of the government and its president, Dabaiba. Representatives of the Military Committee addressed the statement to the Libyan people and to the United Nations Support Mission in Libya so that “the position is clear towards this government and its irresponsible behavior,” and stressed that the General Command submitted all data of the national number to the Administrative Control Authority,

which in turn reviewed and verified its validity. Also, all previously disbursed amounts have been settled with the Financial Services Control in Benghazi.

The army overthrew the government’s argument when it held itself down and submitted a list of its forces’ identities to the administrative control to confirm that the salaries go to their Libyan owners, but Mr.

Dabaiba had some time ago changed his priorities, and what concerned him became is winning the loyalties of militias and mobile forces on the ground, especially in Tripoli and Misurata. Al-Zawiya, the exclusionary Februaryan movement, the forces of political Islam, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Mufti’s movement, the remnants of terrorism from the eastern region, and stakeholders from the continuation of the state of division. military.

In summary, they are all against the state regaining its prestige, authority, dominance and sovereignty, and they see no objection to the situation continuing as it is for other years or decades.

In the east and south of the country, he succeeded in postponing the elections, and made public money his tool to serve his power-acquisition project, and his slogans, rhetoric and populist decisions were his way to promote a fictitious leadership that concealed the two tendencies of corruption and tyranny that determine his future aspirations. Dabaiba failed all political, economic and social tracks in the service of his personal and family projects, and he found Stephanie Williams, who marginalized the role of the UN mission in terms of her position as political advisor to the Secretary-General in charge of the Libyan file, and in the US ambassador, Special Envoy Richard Norland, and in a number of ambassadors of other Western countries, his assistants to Continuing to perpetuate the crisis, as if they had found a partner that suits their interests.

Since he succeeded in disrupting the elections and postponing them to an indefinite date, Dabaiba has been working to return Libya to the square of chaos and division in a way that guarantees him staying in office.

Although he trampled on his previous commitments before the Forum for Political Dialogue and the House of Representatives and caused tampering with the date of the election, he found someone who gave him false legitimacy, which encouraged him to repudiate Parliament’s decisions of no confidence in him and to form a new government in place of his government headed by Fathi Bashagha.

The expected result, and actually achieved, was the announcement by the delegation of the Joint Military Committee of the Army Command of its decision to suspend its activities within it, and accusing Dabaiba of being responsible for standing behind the obstruction of the committee’s work because of its practices, despite the gains it achieved, which was the signing of the ceasefire and the governorate.

For his continuation in what created the conditions for the success of the political path from which the Presidential Council and the government emerged, and to secure the session of granting confidence to the government that was held in the city of Sirte, and to start procedures for unifying the Petroleum Facilities Guard, exchanging detainees, opening and securing the coastal road, securing the artificial river line, opening the airspace, and creating the conditions for holding leaders’ meetings Military forces from the east and west in Sirte, and the preparation of an integrated plan for the exit of mercenaries.

The delegation accused the government of not complying with the decisions of the House of Representatives by refusing to surrender to the stability government headed by Bashagha, in addition to looting public money and its president reneging on pledges not to run for elections, as well as financial corruption, looting public money and the family’s dominance over government decisions, and asked Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar to close the road that It links the east and west of the country, stops oil exports, and stops all cooperation with the Tripoli-based government.

Certainly, the tribesmen will come out to press for the closure of the oil fields and ports, which will prove that there is a real problem in Libya that Western countries contribute to consecrating with their support for a prime minister who does not control the sources of wealth, but only disposes of its revenues and deprives them of the original right holders.

Those capitals, which are calling morning and evening to raise the levels of oil and gas production in Libya to contribute to confronting the imbalance caused by the Russian war in Ukraine, had to realize that the soldiers who guard production sources and export sites have been deprived of their salaries for four months. Last October, there was a similar crisis, and to ensure preparation for the elections that were to be held on the twenty-fourth of December, the American ambassador directed his direct orders to Dabaiba to pay the frozen army salaries, and he was heard and obeyed, but before that, the House of Representatives had refrained on several occasions from ratifying On the budget submitted by the government, and one of the most important reasons is that it did not include a section for army expenses.

Dabaiba believes that his uncompromising position on Haftar and his forces is the best way to gain the support of the militias and the loyalty of political Islam, and he sees, dreaming of ever remaining in the seat of power, that the best guarantee for this is the continuation of the conflict with the east and the army, and considers that the money will help him promote his image as a symbol of the Tripoli region, and bets on him Some are as leaders of the stage and are unable to get out of the areas of influence of the militias loyal to them, but the mere closure of the oil fields and ports will affect him, as everyone will abandon him, and whoever was pressing the Speaker of Parliament,

Aqila Saleh to maintain the outgoing government of national unity, will turn to pressure on Dabaiba in order to hand the reins of power to the head of the new government in complete calm, and to sign before that a permission to pay the salaries of army personnel without delay.

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