The ICC's decision to arrest Netanyahu and Galant is a "black day in the history of humanity"!

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Afrasianet - Dr. Mohammed Halasa - Israel understands that the resolutions of international bodies and forums, including recent arrest warrants, "will not prevent it from continuing its crimes on the ground," yet it goes crazy when someone outside its flock tweets.

The warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former Minister of War Yoav Galant were met with great anger and indignation in Tel Aviv and Washington, in conjunction with the promise to take strong deterrent measures against the court and anyone who supports its position. In fact, the magnitude of this anger was not surprising or surprising, as Israel had previously acted according to the same reckless logic in the context of similar reactions it launched against international figures, bodies and forums that criticized Israel or issued sentences against it. It has also done with the International Court of Justice, the United Nations and its Secretary-General.

This behavior, which is absolutely intolerant of criticism, even if it is verbally constructive, was not the result of the ongoing Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, but rather the cumulative product of a condescending psyche that was raised on the arrogance that the West encouraged and reinforced by covering up Israel and its crimes, and allowing it to repeatedly escape its consequences at all stations of its previous wars and destructive attacks on Palestinians and Arabs, not to mention the weak official Arab position that is broken in front of it, and perhaps even conspiring with it in some cases.

Not only that, but Israel's angry statements and threats are understood, based on the accurate knowledge of the Israeli mentality and the long experience in fighting it, in the context of its firm and exclusive belief in its monopoly on the position of "victim";drowning her in the sea", so how, according to what logic, is she accused of "victim" of committing war crimes against her Palestinian Arab "killer"!

Didn't  the United States say that it does not see in all the daily killings and genocide practiced by Israel what amounts to crimes against humanity, so how dare the International Criminal Court do what it did, it is "undoubtedly anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews who move this hostile international platform.."!

Israel justifies its actions under the pretext of "self-defense" as a permanent basis for the use of excessive and lethal force against the Palestinians, Palestinian "terrorist" organizations declare that they intend to destroy Israel, and its leadership is "evil and bloodshed", so "Israel" faces "destruction" no less!, and in the face of the existential threat, "as you know, all means are permissible"!. Cultivating these illusions of "imminent danger" can lead any nation, even if it pretends to be "democratic and enlightened," to commit atrocities, such as bombing civilian populations, killing children, imposing sieges and starvation, demolishing homes, relocating populations or denying self-evident human rights.

This "Israeli psycho-formative complex" stems not only from the West's soft and lenient treatment of it, and does not derive its legitimacy from the conviction of the "exclusivity of the victim", but is fueled and fueled by a complex of feelings of superiority and superiority over others who are according to the intellectual stripes from which Israel's leaders and citizens draw "other" than human beings.

There is no twinge of conscience and no guilt for all the severe harm it inflicts on others, which allows its status as an occupying power or as an oppressive colonial power to be ignored. When nationalism, hatred and intolerance toward others, violence under the guise of "existential threat" and education for "Jewish supremacy" are part of daily Israeli behavior, the expected result is that the Israeli public will tend to underestimate the price Palestinians and Arabs have paid, and continue to pay, for the protection and continued survival of the "Jewish state."

Training hearts and minds to accept the exclusion of a whole human group and deny its basic rights paves the way for further atrocities, and the scope of such atrocities expands as the dose of "existential threat" that Israeli society receives daily from the various organs of the "state" increases. Exaggerating the threat posed and deceiving the ability of resistance, and presenting the situation as an "existential danger" creates general legitimacy for unfettered and excessive use of force.

Presenting the threats that Israel faces after the seventh of October 2023 as a "threat of annihilation" and "defense of existence", or a "war of resurrection" according to the new name, requires taking very strict measures commensurate with the nature of this threat!

Returning to the ICC decision, Israel realizes that the decisions of international bodies and forums, including the recent arrest warrants, "will not prevent it from continuing its crimes on the ground," however, it goes crazy when someone outside its flock tweets or contradicts its narrative, and we see it, like tyrants with criticism, going to more sadism, destruction and killing of its victims, as if telling its critics, "They will pay a price of their flesh and blood for daring to criticize us."

Some of its leaders even call publicly during the day for greater tightening and restrictions on the Palestinians in response to the International Criminal Court in flagrant defiance of the entire international community and its laws and institutions.    

This behavior of Israeli superiority and exclusion is not limited to its enemies or with the world, in both parts, its allies and opponents, but goes to practice it with its citizens in the event that they break the stick of obedience, there is no tolerance for those who deviate from the "general Israeli consensus" even verbally, there is no place for feelings of mercy or sympathy with enemies, no place for a hand that does not beat the drum of war when its drums are loud, and there is no place for a call for calm or compromise when the fire of its destructive war rages, just as every criticism from the world of " Israel" is "outright immoral anti-Semitism", as well as all internal Israeli criticism is identified with the enemies, and its perpetrator is a "self-hating Jew" whose rank is despicable and status no less than the rank of "non-Arabs" in the eyes of a recruited society that sings war hymns and beats its drums, and for those Israelis who think of doing so, a lesson in what happened with Galant, who was not a "dove of peace", and yet the official "Israel" could not tolerate his "tweet outside the flock", so he was excluded "so that those behind him may have a sign"!

In conclusion, do you not remember that this "pampered state", which puts itself above all law, paid lip service when it came out in its  current "existential" war, that it came out on behalf of the "enlightened free world" in the face  of "human animals" or "brutal dark eastern forces", and if it were not for what "Israel" did "for humanity", the hand of the "barbaric eastern barbarism" would have extended to the entire enlightened West! Or do you deserve to be met with this "ungratefulness", or not the one who attacks it and its symbols, "aggresses against all humanity", doesn't it The issuance of arrest warrants for its leaders is a "blatant disgraceful attack" and a "black day in the history of humanity"!

It seems that this "crying novel" has not withstood the cruelty of the reality created by Israel in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank, but it does not want to understand that this world for the most part no longer sees with its eyes only or hears only what it wants, and is no longer dominated by the "moral lesson" offered by the fox in the clothes of preachers!  

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