A New Middle East

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Afrasianet - Prof. Amin Al-Mashaqbeh - srael seeks to change the map of the Middle East and build a complete strategic change in the region by acquiring a large military arsenal and imposing complete military, technological, and economic hegemony over the countries of the region after achieving the basic objectives: stripping the countries and powers surrounding Israel of all types of weapons of mass destruction and any long-range missile power; expanding Israel's borders to the borders of the Litani River, cutting off the contact in the southern border between Syria and Lebanon, and attempting to strike a military strike on any country. It opposes this project and the

imposition of a new political-military reality throughout the region. This project aims to integrate Israel into the region as a hegemonic state, exploit the current moment and the state of brokenness of the resistance forces, and impose its agenda by force of arms, and this means ending the escalation of the resistance forces, which is one party, and the survival of Israel with the upper hand, and building new alliances, especially the forces afraid of Iran as a country with a political-ideological project in the region.

According to the Israeli narrative, we are facing the engineering of the Middle East, and this is what was mentioned in Shimon Peres' vision of the new Middle East, and its contents related to Israel's hegemony over the new Middle East, and its rise as an American-backed military force, and perhaps this is consistent with American goals as an American entitlement to confront China in the coming days.

This project is part of the Israeli theories of state origin and expansion, and it includes two projects; the first project is Greater Israel by default and is based on domination, control and reliance on intelligence, experience and technological ability, and the second project is a project of my life and existence, i.e. geographically Greater Israel, and this is fully consistent with the vision of religious Zionism, and it has been said by Donald Trump that the area of Israel is small and must be expanded geographically. President Herzog said: "You don't need a political process that opens up a horizon that changes the region and allows alliances to look forward to."

We are faced with Jabotinsky's vision of the "iron wall" based on the fact that Israel's victory will lead the Arabs to normalization

and acceptance of the fait accompli. Therefore, the main strategic goal is to end all forms of resistance to the Israeli presence and push Iran into its geographical interior, and start negotiations, and if this is not done, a strike will be directed at Iran and the nuclear reactors in Iran with American support.

The American vision is embodied in several points, namely: building a new Middle East in which Israel is the only and strongest player, provided that the United States repositions itself militarily to confront other powers in the world, building a new Middle East without resistance, peaceful and normalized states with Israel, moving strongly to liquidate the Palestinian cause, and finally a new Middle East without Iran that emphasizes defending its interests in the region and fighting any war to defend Israel and its existence. The foreign and domestic policy of the United States in the region, and this is historically practiced, and let us remember Golda Meir's statement in the October War in 1973, "Without American military support, Israel would have ended."

What is happening is the policy of filling the vacuum, which is the absence of any Arab project, as the Israeli project is the alternative to fill the vacuum in the region, the Arab countries have retreated from preserving their interests, and defending their existence pushes the Zionist enemy to fill the vacuum arising from the state of absence and Arab weakness in front of the Iranian projects on the one hand, and the Israeli on the other. The humiliation, retreat and weakness of the Arab official has a price and its clear price is the Zionist-Israeli project of domination in

which the United States of America participates, namely an awakening.


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