When will Ukrainians be convinced of the futility of applying to join NATO ?

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Afrasianet - Are Western countries really serious about Ukraine joining NATO, or is it just a trick on Ukrainians to go to war against the Russians?

 NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the issue of Ukraine's accession to NATO does not have the consensus of the alliance's member states, and therefore will not be invited at the alliance's summit to be held from July 9 to 1 July 1 in Washington, DC.

In principle, it seems that the members of the alliance are consistent with many of the rules and conditions set by the alliance when it was established in 1949, for those who want to join it, including the unanimous approval by its members to accept new membership for a European country, in addition to that the countries wishing to join be politically stable and not in a state of war, so that the alliance does not have to activate the fifth article of its founding document, which states that "the members of the alliance agree that any attack Armed against one or more countries in Europe or North America is an attack against all countries." Thus, he will be forced to engage in a military confrontation, which he does not need, especially with a strong opponent of the size of the federal Russia.

 It should be noted that the issue of Ukraine's accession to NATO is not new, but was raised under the administration of former US President George Walker Bush, who announced on the occasion of the NATO summit in Bucharest on April 4, 2008, the possibility that Ukraine and Georgia would one day become members of NATO, as part of the latter's quest to expand further towards the Russian border in an effort to surround geopolitical Russia, and the prevailing perception at the time of the US administration was that Russia was a "bear of paper" and not by force. It makes him react as if Russia are still living under the late Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Russia's response to the West was lightning in the Georgia war.

But the more important question is, are Western countries really serious about Ukraine joining NATO, or is it just a trick on the Ukrainians to push them to war against the Russians?

If we look at Western statements before and during the conflict, we find them always referring to the vague and vague phrase "that accession will happen one day" without specifying a time limit for that, and every time President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Western countries, their leaders gave him a deceptive dose of hope on this subject, to the point that Zelensky said in one of his remarks after a visit to Washington months before the outbreak of the war, that he had a sense that his country's admission to NATO was imminent. This was confirmed in a speech to a rally in the Republic of Lithuania on July July last year, which was refuted a few days later by US President Joe Biden with his statement that he would not overcome the obstacles to Ukraine's accession to NATO, which was confirmed by the statement of NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg that Ukraine joining NATO is not possible because it is not sovereign.

Despite Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's insistence more than once on the West to give him a clear signal regarding joining NATO, this endeavor is of little importance to the members of the alliance, because it is nothing more than a trick manipulated by Western leaders with the Ukrainians, to drag them into a military confrontation with Moscow, in order to drain and destroy the latter, and unfortunately its price is paid by the Ukrainian people who found themselves a tool to achieve the West's ultimate goal of seeing a weak Russia. It is broken and exploited by its neighbors, as the American strategic thinker Zbigniew Brzezinski puts it in his book The Great Chessboard.

What the Ukrainian regime does not understand is that if it loses the war to Russia, the first conditions for negotiation will be a written pledge that Ukraine will not join NATO permanently, and that no constitutional amendment will be made that includes the last paragraph of Article 17 of the Ukrainian Constitution amended in 2014 related to the prohibition of the establishment of foreign military bases on Ukrainian territory, and the Ukrainian leadership will then be forced to accept the Russian condition, which in practice means keeping the Ukraine in the circle of neutrality that has prevailed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Until 2014.

In this case, Ukrainian leaders will find themselves the biggest losers, after they were depleted economically, militarily and humanly and lost vital areas that were subject to them in favor of Russia, which was once considered the artery of the Ukrainian economy, after the West implicated them in a conflict that they do not accept, and mortgaged the future of their country for decades to international financial institutions and donor countries because of the debts accumulated due to the huge Western aid provided to them, according to the estimates of economic experts.  

The foreign policy of Western countries has been characterized by Machiavellian since time immemorial, as they do not comply with any moral or political obligation with others, including breaking promises, repudiating them, giving them other interpretations and sacrificing their allies, whenever they see this as in their interest, unless the other party has something to bargain with and push them to comply with what they have pledged.

In conclusion, the West is manipulating Ukraine in the matter of joining NATO, and it does not care about the casualties of the Ukrainian military as much as it cares about its interests of weakening the Russia, by continuing the war until the last Ukrainian soldier, but when will the Ukrainians be convinced of the futility of Western promises? The coming days have the answer.  

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