Iraq.. angry crowds storm MBC headquarters and set it on fire

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Afrasianet - Videos on social media on Saturday showed angry mobs storming, destroying and setting fire to the headquarters of Saudi Arabia's  MBC  channel in the Iraqi capital Baghdad following a report insulting resistance leaders.

According to sources in Iraq, the youths set fire to the headquarters of  MBC in the capital Baghdad after the channel published a report describing the leaders of the Palestinian, Iraqi and Lebanese resistance as terrorists.

Iraqi MP Mustafa Sanad said through his account on "Facebook": "MBC IRAQ  channel supported by the government, the subject does not end with cracking or burning, you have no place in Iraq, and will work to cancel your license and the name of Iraq is not honored by customers."

Iraqi security forces blocked roads leading to MBC's headquarters in the capital Baghdad.

It is noteworthy that the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" condemned the report of the Saudi Arabic-language channel MBC, stressing that "this report is obscurantist and inflammatory against the movement and its leadership."

She stressed that "MBC's report is obscurantist and inflammatory against the movement and its leaders, and describes the actions of the Palestinian resistance against the occupier as terrorism, in a professional, media and moral fall consistent with the propaganda and the Zionist narrative that seeks to demonize the resistance and its symbols."

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