Double standards or a clash of civilizations? How do we explain the behavior of the West towards the Levant in the light of war?

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The alignment of most Western countries in the official position on what is happening from the war on Gaza brought to mind the nature of the relationship between the West and the East

Afrasianet - The bloody war on Gaza is a real test of the positions of a number of countries in triumphing over the great human values of freedom, justice and equality, which has fueled the prevailing perspective of selectivity in solidarity and sympathy, double standards in governance and attitude towards events taking place in the East and West, where the motivation is usually subordinate to interests at the expense of principles, which are the constitution of the age in self-determination and human rights.

Man in its absolute sense, wherever he is and whatever his religious, cultural and ethnic background, as is circulated, at least rhetorically, in international thought and conventions.

Over the course of the war, the magnitude of the contradiction - if not falsity - of these Western human values has been revealed, for what has been accumulated in the code of human rights and the philosophy of freedoms, equality and justice with the model of liberal democracy in America and Europe, has completely collapsed at the level of manifestations in practice, where a valueless interest and immoral power prevail, not only in the vision of the Arab and Islamic peoples - who have bitter experiences with forms of power, colonialism and ruin in the name of these slogans.   itself – but with a wide range of Western public opinion itself.

Western public opinion woke up to a message baptized by the waterfall of blood in Gaza, accompanied by political positions that expressed a deep moral setback, which may have prolonged effects over time on the psychological and cognitive attitudes of the Arab and Islamic peoples, from these countries that have not got rid of the complex of superiority in looking at the other, civilization, culture and peoples, which may push to the forefront the intensity of the contrast between East and West, and fuel difference and differentiation on a cultural and civilizational basis.

Could the positions of Europe and America – which are absolutely pro-Israel – lead to a new map of the world along sharp cultural lines, thus deepening the gap between West and East? Or can the awakening of conscience in Western public opinion—manifested in growing sympathy for the Palestinian cause—strike a balance in the foreseeable future, thereby pushing the prevailing narrative for change?

Huntington's confrontational vision of civilizations and cultures was based on fueling conflict and conflict on sharp cultural grounds between East and West, advancing Islam and Arab and Islamic culture in the character of violence inspired by religious origins.

The return of the sharp West-East divide

Arab and Islamic public opinion, while following the positions of a number of major Western countries and providing political and military support to Israel, could not have understood this apart from the alliance in a civilized and cultural manner, in addition to the intertwined interests in terms of the functional role they play in the Middle East.

It was suspicious for some, witnessing visits of support and assistance, identification with the Israeli narrative and providing full political cover for a military operation that killed thousands of children, including premature infants, women and the elderly, with forced displacement, and the destruction of hospitals and places of worship, including mosques and churches, for those wishing to take refuge in the sanctity of places of worship and health care.

It is customary and moral custom in wars, according to charters and laws, that every war has moral limits that do not exceed them, and places that do not dare them, but what happened in front of the world is the exact opposite, all of this and the countries that excelled in formulating contemporary moral concepts and systems, provide cover for the violation of these concepts and systems, which entrenches the state of duality and contradiction.

This reveals that attitudes are often determined on a ground far from moral and moral motives, which is reinforced by the narrative of political and media discourse that justifies war, and considers any political and moral criticism - reminiscent of the problem of occupation, settlement and the violation of the rights of the Palestinian people - anti-Semitic, requires legal criminalization, and is besieged at the level of the media and in reality.

It has not been noted that the nature of this shift – in attitudes and policies that support ethnic cleansing and abuse of Palestinians in the most heinous and bloody patterns in history – will increase the gap between East and West, deepen differences on sharp grounds and destroy bridges of relations between these countries with the peoples of the Arab and Islamic world, who retain in their conscience, culture and history a special place for Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Rather, the imbalance at the level of the criteria set for negative attitudes and alignments that took place on the Palestinian blood carpet is a history of similar alignments, whether with the prolonged plight of the Palestinian people, or with many similar events since the time of the colonial tide, in which the dynamics and motives of positions - as is common in the talk of politicians and media professionals are based on "us" And "they", with a background in which culture and politics overlap with general cultural and religious aspects, with a lot of generalization and marginality, away from the moral and rational sense, which calls for roots of conflict that pose a threat to the future.

The clash of civilizations flourishes when human and moral standards are lacking

The alignment of most Western countries – in the official position on the ongoing war on Gaza – has recalled the nature of the relationship between the West and the East, which has historically been characterized by many ebbs and flows: consensus at times and clash at other times, and the aspects of political and military conflict have been continuously a major factor in fueling cultural differences and highlighting elements of religious and civilizational differences.

Although the West is not a single bloc, but rather a diverse overlapping bloc, and the East is not as imagined by many Western politicians and intellectuals, the sharp attitude that has been formed from Arab and Muslim civilization – on the stage of history from the Middle Ages to Andalusia, and later colonialism – has made the relationship turbulent, giving difference and divergence priority over attempts at communication and cooperation.

This geopolitical trend began to take shape after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the world map being engineered on cultural and civilizational foundations by those who carry this cultural tendency, such as: Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington.

This is done by embodying the new challenge facing the United States of America in the ideology carried by Islam, in an embodiment characterized by a disruptive and superficial generalization that looks at the world on the basis of monolithic and rigid civilizational and cultural templates and templates, and not on dynamic, pluralistic and interactive determinants that can develop bridges of communication with justice and fairness, and networking between cultures and peoples on the basis and rules of understanding and mutual respect.

Huntington's confrontational vision of civilizations and cultures, which had dominated neoconservative consciousness for some time, was an expression of a strategic orientation in the United States at the time, a vision based on fueling conflict and conflict on sharp cultural grounds between East and West, advancing Islam and Arab and Islamic culture in the form of violence inspired by religious origins.

Despite the disappearance of this view at the discursive level among academics and politicians, the practices of the current conflict in Palestine today have brought this view back to the fore.

Some have even talked about the need to modify education curricula in order to remove the seeds of violence from the consciousness of Palestinians, and to portray the conflict as a purely religious conflict, which is noteworthy:

 First: Ignoring the reality of the Islamic religion and the extent to which its values, texts and civilized experience underlie the establishment of coexistence, tolerance and mercy on solid moral foundations.

•    Second, this is a kind of circumvention and obscuration of the origin of the problem, which has become the subject of universal human sympathy, including politicians of Western countries.

The root of the problem lies in the occupation and settlements, the failure of the United Nations to achieve justice for the Palestinian people, as stipulated and recognized by UN resolutions as a minimum, the obligation of Israel to respect international law, and the need to lift the siege on two million people in Gaza in the long term.

What needs to be done now is to save Gaza from the flames of fire and from the thousands of tons of explosives that destroy construction and burn people in full view of the world.

The reversal of facts and the falsification of consciousness that we are witnessing make this volume of blood flowing without regard for the sanctity and sanctity of the human person and his right to life and self-determination, one of the most heinous crimes that humanity has experienced.

Human consciousness should have woken up when a minister in the war government considered the Palestinians to be just human animals, and to describe them as inferior, or dehumanization, is a prelude to the practice of purge and mass murder.

However, this statement came in a context where there was a collective race to provide cover for what we see as a current tragedy, whose effects will be profound on the relationship between East and West in the strategic term if the killing machine is not stopped, but rather the result of human solidarity throughout the world, will make the reflection extended to the impact in major countries.

In conclusion: The sensitive attitudes of peoples in crises and conflicts and in contexts of pressure are shaped by psychological, cognitive and political dynamics, and given the symbolism of Palestine in the Arab and Islamic consciousness, what is happening in it extends to the entire geography of the Islamic world.

The alignment in the war on Gaza under the name of self-defense, without considering the wasted Palestinian right, was an expression of a gross defect in the Western political system and the awareness on which it is formed and its relations that recall the roots of the problem and culture of colonialism, which may deepen the rift and fuel the gap on sharp cultural and civilizational foundations between the West and the East, which will increase the creation of problems in the future if this position, which expresses a moral setback, is not displaced.

But at the heart of this tragedy, the Palestinian cause was able to create a new dynamic among Western public opinion itself, which balanced the negative political position of a number of countries and favored the prospects for cooperation on moral and humanitarian grounds.

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