European democracy and human rights allegations are revealed by inhumane practices against refugees on the Polish border

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Afrasianet - In an open space between the fences of the Polish-Belarusian border, migrants get stuck. Those who are pushed back by the Polish border guards to return, using all kinds of extrahuman violence or principles that the European Union claims to apply to help the refugees. In fact, this is not new.

European Union countries have spent hundreds of millions of euros over the past decade on technologies that monitor migrants, ranging from military drones to sensor systems and experimental technologies, to drive them away from their borders. Poland's borders with Belarus have become the last fronts to test this technology, after Poland agreed to build a wall at a cost of 350 million euros, equipped with very advanced cameras and sensors that detect any movement.

It started from using gas and not ending with beatings and sometimes killing. The British newspaper The Guardian reported the results of spending millions of Europeans, to erect a digital wall on the borders of the Union, which lies from the bustling sea, forests and mountains, and a technology playground for technology companies that are re-adjusting their products to suit new markets.

The European Union plays a central role in driving the use of technology at its borders, whether it is purchased by the European Union’s border forces known as Frontex or funded by member states through EU sources such as the EU’s Internal Security Fund or the Horizon Project. 2020» which calls for innovation.

Petra Molnar of Refugee Law Lab, an advocacy group for refugees, says the EU's reliance on these tech companies to develop “strange ideas” into technologies for use at the border is inappropriate. "They depend on the private sector to make these games for them," she said.

But there are no laws or regulations governing it. For me, the sad thing is that they are almost certain agreements, in which this money is spent on refugee camps, surveillance, and drones. Near the Polish border Two Syrian refugees were found in a critical condition on the border with Poland near the Pesatka checkpoint.

One of the refugees was unable to walk alone due to an injury sustained by the Polish border guards, while the two refugees confirmed that the Polish security forces beat them and forced them to return to the border with Belarus.

The refugees were suffering from severe emaciation and depression, moreover, their presence in a similar situation threatens them with inevitable death, while a medical team from the ambulance, who arrived at the scene immediately, delivered them to the health care center to provide the necessary assistance.

According to medical examinations, one of the two men was diagnosed with a broken joint in the upper third of his right leg, adding that the Polish soldiers' treatment of refugees is inhumane and contrary to all human rights.

It is noteworthy that this is not the first time that the Belarusian border guards found battered migrants near the border with the European Union, as the Belarusian Border Commission recorded 20 deaths and about 100 injuries, during which the refugees were beaten.

It is said that it is easy to describe the world in black and white, but there is always a more complex reality, and this is the case in this part of the European continent, where until a few days ago discussions focused on violations of the rule of law by the Polish government, and the difficulty of dealing with the European Union However, . Polish authorities have arrested 100 asylum seekers who tried to breach its borders, and recorded more than 500 breach attempts.

The refugee crisis on the Dutch borders revealed the true mask of false European claims calling for democracy and human rights, so what next?

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