American writer: Biden is a disastrous and incompetent president who plunged the world into chaos

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Afrasianet - An American biographer of US President Joe Biden says that Biden's policy on the Palestinian issue is puzzling and incomprehensible, and he is the only American president who has not set red lines for Israel, regardless of its size.

This was stated in an interview conducted by the American website "Mundois" with Branko Marcitic, biographer of US President Joe Biden and author of the book "Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden", during which he talked about Biden's foreign policy in Palestine, Iran, Ukraine and Afghanistan.

Marcitic told Palestine that people often say that all previous U.S. presidents are the same when it comes to Palestine, and that they

all had some very basic red lines for Israel, with the exception of Biden, who didn't.

He explained that he finds Biden's policy towards Israel after the Al-Aqsa flood very puzzling. Where the ugliness of what the whole world watches, and the continuous daily mass killing, pointing out that he believes that Biden addresses the issue of unequivocal support for Israel as a purely political issue that helps him win the elections, and not out of a real belief in Israel.

What he has seen since last year of Biden effectively tearing up his chances of re-election and destroying any legacy he may want to claim as president is puzzling. Biden has only supported everything Israel does.

Marcitic went on to say that he could not find a good explanation for why Biden did this, but he thought much of it had to do with White House business that the public was not aware of, adding that he had received little information that Biden had not been given the full picture of what was happening in Palestine.

He also said that he got a lot of information about Biden's weakness, and about the fact that he doesn't live up to the job he does, adding that all these things suggest to him that there are probably a lot of things we don't know about what's going on in the inner workings of the White House and what actually shapes Biden's thinking, "Who knows, maybe in a year, two or five, we'll figure out why, but it's really weird."

Marcitic said he believed that Biden's strong stance on Afghanistan, namely withdrawing from there, something that neither Barack Obama nor Donald Trump dared to do — a position that surprised many observers of Biden — made him

believe that "hardline politics" was what earned him political capital as president. Therefore, he hardened his policy toward Ukraine and Gaza, and paid no attention to diplomacy on both issues.

Commenting on Biden's approach in Ukraine and Gaza, he said that his policy in both cases dashed his hopes of achieving a proud legacy, and that his policy toward Gaza in particular ended up being the greatest responsibility of his entire presidency.

Although Biden has increasingly focused on foreign policy as a key element of his legacy, he believes Biden's foreign policy has been the most disastrous part of his entire term.

On Biden's Iran policy, Marcitic said Biden seems to have essentially abandoned diplomacy with Tehran, as Obama has been doing, to do what Trump has been doing, such as isolating it regionally and strengthening ties with its neighbors. Biden has continued to try to push for normalization deals between Israel and Iran's neighbors.

Marcitic described the current situation in the Middle East as very bad, with Iran likely to enter the war with Hezbollah, Israel and the United States, or create the conditions for a U.S.-Iran war under Trump if he wins.

On the Biden administration's non-stop supply of weapons to Israel during the Gaza war, even though polls say Democratic voters want to condition aid to Israel and even support the arms embargo on the country, Marcitic said the old truism in U.S. politics is that U.S. foreign policy is completely separate from any kind of democratic process, or any kind of democratic accountability.

He added that he understands that the Biden administration's continued supply of weapons to Israel finds its explanation in money, noting that when Biden wanted to withhold the two-thousand-pound and 500-pound bombs from Israel as a kind of warning against the Rafah invasion, Haim Saban, a major donor to the Democratic Party, immediately emailed the White House in which he said, "I am a man of one cause and my only cause is Israel."

Shortly thereafter, Biden maintained the ban on two-thousand-pound bombs, but allowed the resumption of 500-pound bombs, and since then, there have been no restrictions whatsoever on any weapons from the United States to Israel.

This tells you who the Democratic Party is listening to and who the Biden administration is listening to, Marcitic said. Obviously, non-conforming voters have had an impact as well, but it's also clear that this administration and party remain more concerned about donor anger than anti-war Muslim, Arab-American, and Jewish voters.

He believes that moral clarity about the Gaza genocide and Biden's facilitation of it will, like Vietnam, become more pronounced in the years and decades to come.

Biden will end up as a disastrous and inept president who plunged the world into chaos and inflicted deep and lasting damage on the country and its claim to global leadership.


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