They are condemned by their own mouths!!!.. Haaretz: Netanyahu "has no honor or shame", so where are those who oppose death and destruction?

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Afrasianet - Israel lacks a real opposition at a critical time headed by a "man of no honour or shame" and led by a right-wing government that has brought it the biggest disaster in its history and will now drag

it into a much-needed war in Lebanon, Haaretz said in an editorial.

This Israeli newspaper stressed Israel's need for a "firm and moral" opposition that challenges the arrogance of the Israeli right, which believes it is unchecked, and reminded the government that regional war would be a disaster to be avoided, and that destruction is not an end in itself, which should be a "self-evident" conclusion.

In an outrageous tone, she pointed out in an editorial that left-wing opposition party leader Yair Golan adopts more right-wing positions or strategies than the government, with the head of Israel's Labor Party again this week calling for the occupation of a security buffer zone on Lebanese territory.

The editorial said Golan's "sleeping" opposition did not support the overthrow of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition on "security" grounds, criticizing this, saying he was thinking as "still an army officer and not the leader of a party that is supposed to offer left-wing alternative solutions to the current government."

The problem extends to other opposition parties: Israeli centrist leader Benny Gantz has announced his support for the ground incursion into Lebanon, some of his political partners in the party such as Gideon Sa'ar have joined Netanyahu's government, and others have called for attacking Iran and "going to great length" like Avigdor Lieberman, who previously considered Netanyahu an illegitimate prime minister.

The editorial pointed out that the only one who did not align with the right-wing government is the opposition politician from the "There is a Future" party - and its former president - Yair Lapid,

but he cannot bring about any real change alone, and with the opposition parties behind the policies of the current government, they achieve the leadership of the army and the settlers from them, especially since in the usual reality of Israel it is estimated that the settlement will become a "community", and the "temporary" measures are permanent.


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