From their mouth they are condemned!!.. Gideon Levy: The world mourns 6 dead and ignores 40,000 dead

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Afrasianet - Israel and the whole world mourn the 6 Israeli detainees who were killed, whose names, photos, life stories and families make headlines, even though they are only the tip of the iceberg of the story of the war in Gaza, and only a small part of its victims.

This is how Gideon Levy, his columnist in Haaretz, began by saying sarcastically that Hersh Goldberg Boleyn and Eden Yerushalmi became celebrities against their will during their captivity and after their deaths, and the world also cried over the deaths of Israeli captives, "how can they not be 6 beautiful young men who went through the hell of captivity before being brutally executed," Levy adds.

Levy was surprised by the striking contradiction between the extensive coverage of their lives and deaths, while ignoring the similar fate of people of their age who are no less innocent, honest and beautiful, and who represent innocent victims on the Palestinian side.

Neither US President Joe Biden calls on relatives of Palestinians who have been martyred even if they hold American citizenship, such as the Goldbergs and Pollins, nor the United States calls for the release of thousands of abducted Palestinians held by Israel without trial.

Curiously, a young Israeli woman killed at the Nova festival evokes more sympathy and pity in the world than a refugee teenager from Jabalya, says Levy, commenting that Israelis are more like "the world."

They also have names and hopes

If everything has been said about ignoring the suffering of Palestinians and hiding it in the Israeli public debate, what has been said is not enough, according to Levy, because the Palestinian killed in Gaza had a face, a name and a life story, and because the 17,000 children killed in the Strip since the beginning of the war also had hopes, dreams and families devastated by their deaths.

But their deaths are of no concern to the majority of Israelis, and some even rejoice in them, while the world outside Israel views them as horrible victims with no names or faces, which is surprising and indicative of the loss of humanity.

It is not difficult to imagine the feeling of the people of Gaza facing a world shaken by the deaths of 6 Israeli detainees without any concern for the 40,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza, and without any talk about non-Israeli detainees.

What about the hundreds and thousands of abducted Palestinians from the Gaza Strip andthe West Bank, what about administrative detainees held without trial, and what about 'illegal fighters' and innocent workers who have been caught holding in hellish conditions?".

They, Gideon Levy says, also have anxious families who don't know what happened to them 10 months ago, they are also denied visits by the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the stories of some of them are no less than the video of Eden Yerushaalmi released by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) this week.

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