Kill an Arab or an African in France, you get one million euros!

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Afrasianet -  Musa Asi - Racism in France is not a passing case, and it is not confined to the extreme right only, and this was demonstrated by the donations collected for the murderous policeman, "Florion M".

A few hours after the French policeman "Fleurion M" intentionally killed the young man, Nael Al-Marzouki, from a distance of 30 centimeters, "Jean Masiha", the former spokesman for the populist extremist presidential candidate Eric Zemour, launched a campaign on social media to collect donations to support the murderous policeman.

Masiha's goal from this campaign was to collect 50,000 euros, but the surprise was that the French opened their accounts with unprecedented generosity, so the number of donors exceeded 35,000 and the temporary proceeds (as of noon on Monday, July 3, exceeded one million euros).

Jean Masiha, an Egyptian whose Arabic name is Hossam Boutros Masiha, who obtained French citizenship in 1990, did not need much marketing to convince the French to support the murderous policeman.

You follow and hear the French point of view of what is happening in the suburbs and the reasons that prompted the people of these poor neighborhoods to protest and riot for 6 days, to conclude this fact.

White French (not all but the majority) have a point of view based on pure racism, which regards the inhabitants of the suburbs as uncivilized demagogues who enjoy violence, “not at the same level of civilization as we do,” said Jordan Bardella, the new leader of the far-right National Rally party, who described the residents These neighborhoods are full of monsters, and this man, who smells of racism whose level exceeded the racism of the former leader of the extreme right Jean-Marie Lune and his daughter Marine Le Pen together, does not express a narrow partisan point of view, as his party today enjoys the highest percentage of popularity in France, exceeding the popularity of Macron and the left-wing parties by far. Had the presidential elections been held now, the candidate of this party, Marine Le Pen, would have won.

Racism in France is not a passing case, and it is not confined to the extreme right only, but rather it is a feature rooted in souls that act in complete comfort, sincerity, and intuitive self-reconciliation.

When the policeman asked him to do so,” noting that in France there are thousands of violations of stop orders annually, just as Nael did. In 2021, their number reached 27,700 people, and in 2022 about 30,000. The police killed 13 of them, most of whom were of Arab or African descent.

The French government and President Emmanuel Macron play a pivotal role in protecting racism, especially in police institutions accused by the United Nations of their described racism. Macron and his interior minister, Gerald Dermanan, reject any reference to police racism or violence.

The French president abandoned his former interior minister, Christophe Castaner, as soon as the latter called for reforming the French police in light of the excessive violence that was used against the yellow vests in 2018 and 2019, then he brought Gerald.

Darman, who congratulated the police officers and their members for their "dedication to protecting the Republic" after they attacked environmental demonstrators who protested against building a huge water basin and filling it with groundwater on March 25.

Police violence in that incident resulted in a large number of injuries, including two. They were in a state of danger, and the police prevented ambulances from reaching them to take them to the hospital.

The role of the French media is perhaps the worst in spreading the culture of racism. It is enough to follow the dialogues that took place during the last days. The scene was a painful drama for the profession of journalism.

The French visual media was specifically biased against the people of the suburbs, hosting guests belonging almost exclusively to the right and the right.

Extremists and supporters of the president, and in rare cases, when you host representatives of the left-wing parties, which demand to address the root causes of the problem of the suburbs or representatives of these suburbs, the interlocutor abandons his mission as a journalist and forms with others a single front to demonize what the other opinion says and accuse him of inciting violence, as It happened repeatedly with the proud leader of France, Jean-Luc Mlenchon.

Deep France, white France, has never acknowledged that the people of poor neighborhoods of Arab and African origin are French in full swing, like the rest of the French, and it is not yet ready to admit that.

From the point of view of the majority of the French, these remain strangers, immigrants, who prefer to return to their countries, as expressed explicitly by the deputy of the far-right Rally party, Gregory de Verona, when he addressed, in the fall of last year, to the representative of the Afro-France party, Carlos Martínez Bilongo, during the latter's speech before the National Assembly, by saying: "Go back to Africa ".

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