Afrasianet - Ibrahim Ibrahim - Some of us are always optimistic despite the parochial view of the Palestinian situation. We sometimes appear to be middlemen in our criticism of the two sides of the Palestinian equation - the PLO and Hamas - and our preference not to cut off a hairline between Hamas and the PLO and between Gaza and the West Bank and between the inside and outside, despite our belonging and our defense. On the national project.
We are not here to defend our personal position, but we are interested in clarifying the way we approach some of the things that are confused and confused by some. This approach is inspired by the historical experience of the people and the rational principles of the school of politics, taking into account the specificity of the Palestinian situation. Which do not always coincide with partisan interests even if the parties claim that they represent and represent the national interest.
1 - for political optimism
We have written and talked a great deal about the fact that the state of decline and the accumulation of crises and internalization of the national cause is not due to the lack of justice in the case in return for the justice of the Zionist project. The latter is paradoxically living in the most delicate stage of military superiority in exchange for the most weak stages of losing legitimacy and its exposure to world public opinion. The failure of the Palestinian people, the collapse of the Arab regional order, the changes in the international order and the imbalance of power in favor of Israel, all of which are undoubtedly a fact, but they are temporary, not a historical fate or inevitability. National does not belong to the current generation alone, but the king of the coming generations and the fate is linked to the current political elites.
Therefore, the educated person or the man of state who wants to work in politics from the position of national responsibility must deal with the national issue with a strategic historical vision, not collapse and surrender to transient events. He must always be a promising optimist for a better tomorrow, resisting the state of frustration and despair. Or its political approach to the calculation of personal or partisan interests.
In this context I am reminded of the Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci (pessimism of mind and optimism of will). If the reality calls for despair, especially in public, the responsibility of intellectuals and national elites conscious to dispel this situation by informing the people that reality is unstable, and hence comes the role of the will to change this reality, The will is available to the Palestinian people and to the free world.
2. As for what they seem to be in the middle of the situation.
Although we have expressed our national belonging to the PLO and to the national project, which is an affiliation that obligates us and every Palestinian to take an anti-Israel stance and to support and support them in their aggressive policies against the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights, , Hamas, for example, is not considered an enemy of the PLO, but a rival even if intensified opponents and the threshold of hostility.
In the case of the Palestinian situation, where the occupation threatens all the national and where both ends of the Palestinian equation - the organization and Hamas - in the case of a truce and the search for political settlements with Israel, it is a crime to call some civil war or resort to weapons in resolving internal disputes.
We say this with our knowledge of the role that Hamas plays outside the context of the national project and the devastation it has inflicted on the Palestinian arena, especially after the movement was involved in the global Islamic project, which failed in the Arab world and is acting with provocative reactions and running away, Separation of Gaza.
In spite of all this, the national interest in our view requires dealing rationally and the search for exits and political solutions on the basis of convergence in the middle of the road and the principle of no win or loser, so as to avoid the people slide towards civil war with Hamas armed with a weapon of the semi-regional and international alliance, including Israel wants its continuation in the rule of the Gaza Strip is not love of Hamas or the Palestinian people, but a desire to destroy the national project and the dedication of the separation of Gaza from the West Bank.
3 - the difficulty of excluding one party to the other
The PLO can not completely exclude Hamas from the scene, not only because of the factors mentioned above, but also because Hamas represents a religious ideology that is still active in society and has Supporters and supporters inside and outside the country believe in them and these can not be easily overcome. Also, Hamas can not exclude the PLO because the latter has a history of struggle and is recognized by the people and all the countries of the world as representing the Palestinian people and because Hamas failed to be the alternative not on the national program level And On a political approach and behavior level.
The only way to win one party over another comes only through the ballot boxes, and even in this case, the victory is counted for the public more than the winning party.
4 - keep the hair rolling
In addition, we have two options: either to surrender to pessimism, frustration and surrender to the reality of division and separation of Gaza from the West Bank and to ignore our people in the Diaspora and perhaps slip into civil war, or to refuse to do so and activate the national will and spread the spirit of optimism in the future and maintain a common hair between the two parties, Statements from both parties are encouraging. Also, how can the call of some be justified and incite them to cut a hair with the internal political rival while the two parties link them to Israel (rope of the abuser).
Finally, there is always something that can be done to get out of the difficult and fateful obstacles, and what can be done to preserve what is more and more important than a hair in the relationship between Gaza and the West Bank. In this context, we call for serious consideration of what we have previously said: Palestine is a federal state.