Putin: Zelensky is a toxic figure for the Ukrainian army

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Afrasianet - The war in Ukraine is closing its third year in a very complex situation on the ground for Kiev and its Western patrons, and an increasingly complicated political situation in the wake of the following scene: a clear Russian superiority on the ground and a reversal in the American position on continuing to price the crisis.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sums up the situation with the following points:

- Vladimir Zelensky has no place in the future of Ukraine. 

- Ukraine will not be the head of a war to threaten Russia.

We are ready to cooperate with Washington in all fields and arenas for the benefit of both countries.

This position corresponds to statements by the US president, in which he said that the war could end within weeks. He watches with concern the outlawed Ukrainian president as Ukraine settles a heavy file on the Security Council table. We all discuss it in our dialogue, and ask the outcome of the Ukrainian crisis in light of it.

Rubio: We voted against a UN measure criticizing Russia because it was hostile and the UN must return to its original mission

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio said that his country voted against a UN measure criticizing Russia because it was hostile, noting that passing the US draft resolution without Russia using its veto was a positive thing. 

Rubio told Breitbart that Washington voted against a UN resolution condemning Russia for the war in Ukraine because it was "provocative and contrary to efforts to end the war," saying that "if it wants to be useful in the twenty-first century, it needs to return to its primary mission, which is to prevent and end wars and conflicts. Everyone knows what has happened in Ukraine over the last three years, but now, as President Trump has made clear, he wants to end this war."

"We did not see that putting forward a hostile resolution at the United Nations was useful, because we are trying to bring the parties to the dialogue table. Unfortunately, Ukraine did not agree with us and wanted to move forward with its decision. Therefore, we turned to the Security Council with our consensus resolution, which I think contains fair language, and simply states that war is terrible," noting that "our success in passing it in the Security Council without Russia vetoing it was a positive thing."

The acting US permanent representative to the United Nations, Dorothy Shea, stressed that Washington does not support the anti-Russian draft resolution in the General Assembly on Ukraine and calls for its withdrawal.

Meanwhile, the UN Security Council earlier approved a US-proposed draft resolution calling for a speedy end to the conflict and lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia. 10 countries voted in favor of the resolution, including Russia, China and the United States, while 5 abstained. No member voted against the resolution.

Russia's mission to the United Nations stressed that Moscow considers the US resolution on the conflict in Ukraine, adopted by the UN Security Council today, as a starting point for working to resolve the crisis there peacefully.

Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said in his speech after the vote on the resolution that "the text now adopted is not perfect, but in essence it is the first attempt to adopt constructive and future-oriented material by the Council, speaks of the path to peace, and does not fan the flames of conflict. A conflict that has a very complex origin and is not limited to the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, as Ukraine itself and its European allies are trying to impose on us. We see the adopted text as a starting point for further efforts to settle the Ukrainian crisis peacefully."

A State Department official confirmed on Monday that the United States had asked for a vote on a draft resolution it submitted to the U.N. General Assembly and Security Council as a prelude to peace in Ukraine.

The resolution affirms that "the primary objective of the United Nations, as expressed in the Charter of the Organization, is the maintenance of international peace and security and the peaceful settlement of disputes," appeals for "a speedy end to the conflict and demands a lasting peace between Ukraine and the Russian Federation."


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