"Zionist bloodshed".. Why does the occupation seek to "fumigate the Palestinian body" during the war of genocide?

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Afrasianet - Ahmed Bashir Family - The deplorable question about the intention of the Zionist enemy in its hateful currency to vaporize the bodies of its victims raises a deep issue that goes beyond the material aspect to reach symbolic and psychological human meanings.

It is remarkable to the point of pain that the enemy transcends the issue of genocide to physical annihilation, is not the Zionist war machine enough to commit massacres?! It seems that the subject has now transcended brutality and the desire to kill to much further, for our enemy understands very well the difference between being killed, exterminated and annihilated, and is adept at moving the vocabulary of death practically to more precise and symbolic stages. 

The Zionist doctrine has entered today, with the development and intention of the subject of (fumigation of corpses), to a new historical trend in the system of bloody Zionist ideas completely adept at the manufacture of death, as it has a dictionary full of terms that have been growing from the religious text through the historical text to the extremist political text, and perhaps we need explicitly to analyze this terminological system crowded with the vocabulary of exclusion, displacement, neutralization, cancellation, deportation, eviction, emptying, deportation, deletion, isolation, separation, erasure, exile, land theft and theft. Civilized content, individual and collective forced death, massacres and genocide, and now the vocabulary of this dictionary has escalated to reach the term (fumigation of corpses). The mastery of the manufacture of internationally criminalized thermophorestrial bombs against civilians is undoubtedly a "war crime", as stated in the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.

Of course, our enemy thinks himself above international humanitarian law, or so he imagines, so he seeks to invent non-nuclear bombs that give the action of the nuclear bomb in that the human body turns at temperatures up to above 3000 degrees Celsius into a mere (shadow), yes just (shadow), so the place of the body is left except a gray shade, and for the information that the army of the Zionist entity cannot drop a nuclear bomb that vaporizes bodies for a well-known reason, which is the danger of nuclear radiation emitted on His artificial entity, except in one case is called in their existential custom (Samson's option), so he resorted to inventing special thermal weapons that evaporate bodies, in a complex physical and chemical process that can be referred to in scientific sources, and I will devote a special article to it by virtue of my specialization in physics, but here in this article I am looking for semantics and intentions in the subject (vaporization of bodies).

The idea that the Zionist enemy is proceeding to end the bodies of the victims by completely vaporizing them is indicative of the desire to completely destroy the Palestinian existence, not merely to destroy life, but to work to erase any material trace of this existence.

This is a profound symbolic image of absolute destruction and extreme revenge. Evaporation here symbolizes total annihilation, where the body turns into vapor that fades, as if this person did not exist in the first place. Hence the intention of trying to annihilate the entire Palestinian existence.

Not to mention that the process of fumigating the Palestinian body reflects a high degree of hatred and revenge, as the enemy seeks to inflict the maximum amount of cancellation it can obtain, and this is exactly what the Zionist enemy understands from the subject of the existential conflict, as it thus exceeds that the conflict is limited to the acquisition of the (Promised Land) According to what was previously put forward by the Zionist doctrine, the enemy has escalated its method of interpretation to scale the conflict from mere displacement (transfer), which has been dominated by all Zionist political literature on the right and left, and has worked to practice it since the beginning of the twentieth century, to (stupidity) to reach the idea of (fumigation of the Palestinian body), and thus the conflict turns into an extreme form of eliminating existence.

From here we see that the process (fumigation of the Palestinian body) is only an advanced and tight scenario to manage the conflict of existence closely, as it represents the summit that the enemy can reach in the conflict, but all the creative ideas of the enemy in the annihilation of the Palestinian only refer to stupid acts, the people can not perish with despicable acts steeped in sadism, the Palestinian is not amenable to extinction nor is a malleable element of any vocabulary in the dictionary of Zionist death.

The idea of vaporizing the Palestinian body is a powerful symbolic image that reflects in us the strong fears of the decline of humanity to practices that go beyond genocide, to annihilation, and the survival of these minds that threaten human existence as historical spoilers, the gravity of which nations must be aware of and rise to the stage of combating this advanced type of existential crime.

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