Jewish professor predicts civil war in Israel

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Afrasianet - Professor Haim Brechette, a professor at the Institute of Oriental and African Studies in London, predicted a civil war in Israel against the backdrop of the Gaza war. Speaking to RT Arabia's "Shortly" program, Haim said that "what the Israelis are doing is the worst crime of the century," noting that "my parents are both activists and were in a Nazi concentration camp working in slavery in Poland, I don't think someone like me can be a party to the genocide."

He stressed that "as an Israeli Jew, I am totally against what is happening in my name, I do not accept that the Jews carry out genocide and that Israel colonizes Palestine and exterminates the

local population there, I join the struggle and the struggle against this crime."

He added: "We must understand that families like mine in Poland and many families in the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Belarus during World War II were exterminated, and some of them survived like my parents who came to Israel because they thought that this would be the end of the suffering, but they did not realize that it was the beginning of the suffering of the Palestinian and this is immoral and I do not accept it," recalling that "the Jews in Eastern Europe were a minority, but in Palestine they established a colony and dared to control the country and get rid of the Palestinians. This is racism and a war crime, instead of living together in peace in Palestine, now they are doing love crimes, colonial crimes and genocide."

"Any party that supplies Israel with weapons that also commits genocide and part of the crime, the United States, Britain and other European countries that supply Israel with weapons and support it economically and politically and with false media, must be considered in the International Court of Justice," he said.

"Israel is weakening, society is divided and heading toward civil war among the Jews themselves in Israel," he warned, noting that "when we blame Israel for genocide, we must not forget the whole West that made it possible."


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