Afrasianet - A spokeswoman for US President Sarah Sanders said she believed members of Congress were "not smart enough" to review President Donald Trump's tax returns.
"This is a very dangerous road, and frankly, Chris, I do not think members of Congress, especially that group of women and men among them," said Chris Wallace, a Fox News anchor on Fox News. Democrats), smart enough to look at the thousands of pages that President Trump will present as his tax returns. "
"I think most of them do not pay their taxes, and I certainly do not trust them to be able to review the president's success and determine anything," she said, calling Democrats in Congress Trump to rush to make his statements "disgusting."
Sanders' statement was commenting on a letter sent by Richard Neil, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, to the Internal Revenue Service on Saturday, asking them to submit Trump's personal declarations and project declarations for the last six years by April 23, days after the expiration of a previous deadline. Submission.