Wars of the Empire.. Israel and changing the maps of the region

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Afrasianet - "Greater Israel" will only survive with the desire and ability of the Western commercial and financial empire to protect it from the armies of vengeful enemies created by the empire itself, which is quite doubtful.

In his recent article, Thomas Greene, an Irish writer and professor of theoretical physics, raises the following questions: Why is the West unable to stop Israel's brutal war on Gaza and its spillover into Lebanon? Why can't the West prevent Israel from attacking Iran? Green answers: Because Israel is following the orders of the West, otherwise none of this would have happened.

What's the bigger task, then?

The destruction of Gaza and the invasion of Lebanon are greater than they seem at first glance, that is, they are not merely to restore the corroded Israeli deterrence, or to strip the resistance in both Lebanon and Palestine of the strength it accumulated in the past years, or to prevent it from posing any threat to the Zionist entity, or to confiscate any future action, such as the flood of Al-Aqsa.

They are early developments in the long-planned repartition of the Middle East to better accommodate Western geopolitical and economic interests by expanding Israel's control over the ground. Donald Trump recently explicitly expressed that Israel's space is very narrow and must be expanded!

Green expects Israel to do most of this dirty campaign, being a cat's claw for the Christian West, and will be generously rewarded, even though the lion's share of the booty will be decided to benefit Christendom, as it always does, and even expect to see a larger "Israeli state" once the dust of the battles clears.

The October 7, 2023 uprising was a long-awaited pretext. Israel responded to the attack several times within a few months, yet the brutality continues more than a year. The mainstream media was providing cover, concealing Israel's atrocities, while exaggerating the global threat posed by Hamas, Hezbollah, and, most importantly, Iran. It was imperative that the United States, Britain and Germany repeatedly declare their full commitment to protect

"Israel". The main story: Israel is in terrible danger, defending itself, fighting for survival. At the same time, it is protected by its loyal allies.

A new map of the Middle East will take several years, including expanding Israel's borders to parts of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and possibly Egypt, Jordan, and possibly Saudi Arabia. Before this map is completed, Gaza, and possibly the occupied West Bank, will be swallowed up; neighboring Arab states will lose their territory. Israel's borders are expected to eventually resemble the map of Greater Israel, circulated online, but drawn more modestly.

Paradoxically, these territories are not a gift to Israel. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the Western security presence and control over energy resources in the region, in anticipation of any change in the international system. This is to pressure resistance into smaller areas, and requires larger Western military bases, increasing numbers, and infrastructure for security, surveillance, armaments, ammunition, vehicles, and personnel with which U.S. and European power can be imposed across the region, while Israel pretends to do so. This new formation will be said to be necessary for the security of Israel, but it is designed to punish Iran and blockade it (if not inspire it to achieve the nuclear dream that the West has feared for decades).

It is the beginning of a regional process that takes years to complete. The Sykes-Picot division took from 1916 to 1922, so it's a long process. The ruling and transnational

"elites" of the empire have orchestrated this process for a long time, with people who control them, and remain influential regardless of who is elected to govern: power brokers who avoid fame and cameras; unions and companies that run things, and few of us know their names and faces.

These people you meet at the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Conference, along Deauville parks in France, and at the Crystal City Convention Underground Centers, 5 miles south of Washington. People who appreciate Israel's potential value to the empire, but they are not necessarily Zionists. These people, who understand Zionism as a digestible and sellable idea, oriented toward a clear "moral" logic common to ordinary people, might call it a rhetorical soup for popular consumption.

"Renewing" the Middle East, or changing it as Benjamin Netanyahu wants, is not a purely Jewish affair! Yes, there are pro-genocide Jewish billionaires who throw their money left and right in support of Zionism, but they are just one group in the system of transnational wealth, power and propaganda that controls the West.

The world is still at the mercy of those who wanted the Second Gulf War, those who "dreamed" of it leading to a US-friendly "Iraq" and a defeated Iran, and thus a Middle East ripe for enhanced Western exploitation, as well as those who invented an excuse of air and insinuations, and

maintained their composure through rigid faces that say nothing.

We are now witnessing a quest for an imagined happy ending, along a different path. Strategic objectives may have been planned in advance, but operations and tactics have been delegated to Israel, which is generally responsible for carrying out hostilities and defining rules of engagement (including genocide). This is misinterpreted as Israeli independence. Israel is pushing towards it, but it is an illusion. Israel is the spearhead because of its ability to sell the narrative of Zionist oppression almost forever, and challenging it so vigorously puts opponents in legal trouble right now.

Limited independence means that Israel may reject U.S. or European demands in specific cases, creating slight friction, portrayed by the White House as an attempt by Compassionate Joe with all his might to restrain Israel, but to no avail, but just an opportunistic message. The West has long decided to allocate to Israel territory that currently belongs to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and perhaps Egypt: a new "promise," if you will.

Through continued excessive violence for further colonization and occupation, the West ensures that hatred for Israel is concentrated and distilled into a pure and powerful spirit, which will make Israel more and more targeted, more dependent on Western/Christian support,

and more vulnerable to its influence and influence. This is largely intentional.

For two thousand years, Europeans have played the game of subjugating the Jews, so who is so foolish that they think they suddenly realized the truth? Who is foolish enough to think that playing the Holocaust card forces Americans and Europeans to largely ignore their own interests?

If the Israelis end up occupying more territory, it will be impossible for them to keep it themselves. The resistance will be very strong. This is the situation to which their Western allies are leading them. Those who imagine themselves fortunate in the opportunity to ethnically cleanse the neighborhood will sooner or later face an unpleasant surprise, and may yearn for the Palestinian return as soon as they taste the true experience of Western (Christian) hegemony.

"Greater Israel" will survive only with the desire and ability of the Western commercial and financial empire to protect it from the armies of vengeful enemies created by the empire itself, which is quite doubtful. It is not a position that any sane person would ever desire, with so much blood and hostility.

But is the empire capable of breaking the cycle of annihilation, corruption and extinction?

Gone is the time when the Levant was up for grabs and demilitarized, without an insightful historical awareness, a

meeting of resistance and a solid fighting tradition. The dreams of the Western Empire will remain daydreams of a constant resistance and faithful masses in its land.

The resistance must take into account that the battle will be prolonged, and that the entity has entered a phase of a "messial" resurrection end, like the end of the Hasmonean Jews two thousand years ago! God willing, it will be the end of the Zionist project in the Levant.


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