Crimea as part of the Russian Federation

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Afrasianet -  The declaration of independence of the Republic of Crimea in March 2014 and its accession to the Russian Federation is an expression of the legitimate right of the population of Crimea to self-determination in the circumstances of the violent coup d'état in Ukraine and its successor the domination of radical nationalist forces that have not shirked terrorist acts and the intimidation of both political opponents and citizens alike in the entire regions of the country.

In these circumstances, based on the results of the referendum of March 16, 2014, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Crimea took the decision to declare Crimea a sovereign and independent state, the Republic of Crimea. The Republic of Crimea concluded an international treaty with the Russian Federation on March 18 of the same year on its accession.

Reality has proven the correctness of the decision of the Crimean population on joining Russia. The legality and validity of the right to self-determination is clear, especially in light of the bloody military conflict in the Donbas region (eastern Ukraine). It is not difficult to imagine what the embodiment of Ukrainian political realities in Crimea would have led if the peninsula had been under Ukrainian control. And look at the miserable results of twenty years when Crimea was part of Ukraine!

Ensuring sustainable socio-economic development in Crimea remains an unconditional priority. From 2015 to 2022, the special federal program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol" is being implemented at a cost of more than $13.2 billion. The aim of this program is to address imbalances in regional economic development, bring the standard of living of the population and economic development of Crimea to general Russian standards and create an enabling environment for sustainable economic growth. for the peninsula and for the effective use of its tourist capacity. 49 national projects have been developed in this republic and are worth $1.1 billion in funding. Crimea operates a free economic zone, which has an investment of about $1.8 billion, which in turn will create 53,000 new jobs.

Raising the standard of living of the Crimean population remains a key importance for socio-economic development. About 60% of the income of the Republic's budget is allocated to finance social projects in the fields of health, education and culture. Since the peninsula joined Russia, the salaries of the public sector population have increased, pensions and financial assistance have doubled, two-and-a-half, approaching the national average level. The consumer market in Crimea is saturated with food products, a third of which are locally manufactured. Industrial production has increased twice since 2015 in Crimea and in the city of Sevastopol twice and a half.The trend towards increasing the rate of growth of industrial production continues and some vital facilities have been modernized. At the same time, the proportion of industry in the regional GDP increased from 10% to 18% and increased more than twice. The volume of industrial orders almost doubled compared to 2014.

The construction of new infrastructure, reconstruction and development of old infrastructure continues, including the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait and the paved of the Tavrida highway, which will connect the Kerch bridge with the city of Sevastopol and connect Crimea with its west.

Crimea is witnessing positive changes in the socio-economic sphere against the backdrop of the current sanctions imposed on it by Western countries, in addition to the ongoing Ukrainian provocation and the cutting of Kiev air, sea, postal and railway links with the peninsula.

Despite all the objective difficulties, the federal and local authorities have done a lot to ensure a decent life for the inhabitants of Crimea and the full development of the peninsula as part of Russia. Much remains to be done.

In recent years, Russia has been working objectively and extensively to take into account and implement the economic, social, cultural, religious and other interests of minorities living in Crimea, including the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar, Italian and German peoples. Unbiased observers clearly see that the Russian authorities are making great efforts to promote inter-ethnic peace and harmony in the Republic of Crimea. As a result of this policy, no more than 90 percent of Crimea's population feels any serious ethnic conflicts in their daily lives, according to opinion polls.

Recent years have clearly shown that, despite all the difficulties, there is still constant interest in the development of dealing with Crimea by representatives of foreign parliaments, businessmen, social, political, cultural, sports and media circles. About 100 delegations visit Crimea annually. Many international events are also held regularly in Crimea.


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