The flood after a year.. what changed? And what will change?!

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What about double standards and the West's comparison of events?

Afrasianet - Trapped in the world's calculations, for many years, in a small, isolated area, poor people trapped at the mercy of a ruthless world, their terminally ill patients die at long waiting to be allowed to travel for treatment and medical treatment, and even if they are allowed to travel, their illness and pain may intensify as they pass through a crossing where they are often treated with the cruelty and cruelty of border guards.

A year of Zionist killing, destruction and extermination, matched and confronted by steadfastness, sacrifices, steadfastness, and satisfaction with God's destiny, reliance and refuge in Him, from Gaza, its resistance and its people

The world forgot Palestine's cause, homeland, occupation and pain, the besieged Gaza fell or almost from the memory of the world, Arabs and Muslims, and the typographers rushed to print, and the rush to conclude agreements and agreements with an occupier who does not watch over us except for blame. After robbing the people of their homelands, wealth and political choices, they wanted to turn them away from their religion and belief, just as they wanted the tent of exile to be an alternative to the homeland, home and homeland.

On the seventh of October, Palestinian anger erupted in a flood that changed the world, and will change it, change it, and change it.. The anger erupted in rejection of humiliation, humiliation, oppression, aggression, enslavement, looting, and usurpation of land and wealth, to prove to the besieged and starved that the weak, if armed with will and faith, are able to respond to the slaps of tyrants, and slap faces that have been drunk with strength and great potential, many and equipment, but they are - more than that and beyond - able, with God's help, to change the entire world.

A year of Zionist killing, destruction, criminality and genocide, matched and confronted by steadfastness, heroism, sacrifices, fortitude, and satisfaction with God's destiny, reliance and refuge in Him, from Gaza, its resistance and its people. Grave events exposed the official Western world, exposing its hypocrisy and political and moral lies. It is God's destiny that the flood precedes – and coincides with it after – the Russian-Ukrainian war, to expose the comparison between the two events and the two wars

in the positions of the West hypocrisy and charlatanry, and a double standard and standards, which disgusts feelings.

The flood confirmed what the Arab Spring revealed and the subsequent targeting of regional regimes, that tyranny and occupation are two sides of the same coin.

The flood of Al-Aqsa changed the Western political scene, exploded angry Western popular and student feelings, even from some fair Jews, and affected the political scene and elections in Britain, France and elsewhere. The flood and its repercussions put the Palestinian cause at the center of events, and dismantled the Zionist narratives and their nakedness, until they heard and saw the slogan "Palestine from the river to the sea", and its echo reverberates in Western capitals and international countries!.

Who could have imagined a Spanish minister speaking publicly that Palestine is from the river to the sea? Who would have imagined that international film festivals, and that famous artists and stars in them, go out on the stages to receive their awards under the focus of international media attention, expressing their solidarity with Palestine and with the suffering of its people and people?

The flood succeeded, and the besieged succeeded in a matter of weeks and months in bringing about dramatic changes politically, in the media and intellectually at the global level in general and the West in particular, while it failed to accomplish the tenth of that official Arab system, its university and the embassies of its countries scattered throughout the world, if we assume that what has been announced for decades in support of the Palestinian cause, has some seriousness and credibility.

The flood exposed all Arab regimes, and exposed the shame of their slogans that have been raised for years and decades, and the Arab armies, armaments and astronomical deals, which consumed a lot of material resources, do not respond to an enemy or support a friend, but are mostly to protect tyranny and guard the occupation.

The flood and the subsequent targeting of regional regimes, which conspired against the freedoms of peoples while rushing to normalize with the occupying power, confirmed that tyranny and occupation are two sides of the same coin.

Despite all the major events that took place and took place in the past year, the repercussions of the Al-Aqsa flood and its consequences are still, in my estimation, in their infancy, and the seeds of change are still growing in the bowels of volcanoes and political earthquakes that appear on the horizon. The changes taking place in the Arab and Muslim mentality and psychology are great and great, even if they are absent or absent due to many factors.. Changes are like a "pressure cooker", which can suppress reactions and curb anger from lawlessness to a certain extent, and then it is The Big Bang is sudden and resounding.

Arabs and Muslims owe a lot to Gaza, its resistance, its people and their sacrifices, they have restored to us something of our humanity and dignity, and they have restored to Arabs and Muslims something of prestige that has been shaken and shaken for decades.

The flood of Al-Aqsa revived concepts that many thought were dead or killed, and brought back heroism that we used to read about in the stomachs of history books, and some thought it was an exaggeration, so we saw it in the eye.

The inability of Israel – a country that is politically and militarily hostile in the region – to control Gaza, after a year of genocide, brutality, criminality and heavy bombardment, has exposed the fragility of the Zionist project, which – according to Trump – will end as soon as the American oxygen stops it, and will collapse if the Arab peoples obtain their political freedoms and become able to participate in real political decisions.

Arabs and Muslims owe a lot to Gaza, its resistance, its people and their sacrifices, they have restored to us something of our humanity and dignity, and they have restored to Arabs and Muslims something of a prestige that has been shaken and shaken for decades, robbed of us by colonialism at the beginning, and then by occupation and regimes of misery, tyranny and corruption.


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