The Gaza Genocide: Truth Assassination and International Tolerance

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Afrasianet - The reality of the world today reflects the renewed tragedy of a history that repeats itself, recalling Einstein's words: "It is foolish to repeat the same thing with the same steps and the same way and wait for a different outcome." In 1919, after the end of World War I, the victors—England, France, Italy, and Japan—came together and signed the Treaty of Versailles in Paris, proclaiming the League of Nations. Its purpose, as is clear from its 26-article charter, was to promote peace, prevent a repetition of the scene of World War I, and ensure Common security and settlement of disputes between states through negotiation and diplomacy.

The League of Nations operated through an executive board comprising the superpowers, except the United States, and initially consisted of the four permanent members: Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. Germany, defeated in the war, joined as a permanent member of the council in 1926, but withdrew with Japan the same year.

The League of Nations clearly failed to achieve its founding goals, and was pronounced dead on April 20, April, 1946, after proving incapable of solving international problems or imposing its prestige on states. It could not oblige Japan not to invade Manchuria, or Italy not to invade Ethiopia, and most importantly, it could not prevent the outbreak of World War II.

Another world war, other victors, another meeting, but this time in San Francisco on June 26, June, 1945, formulated their wills and interests and put them into practice established once again, to ensure that the scourges and horrors of the world are not repeated in the Second World War, in which 40 million civilians and 20 million soldiers were killed, almost half of them in the Soviet Union, and to ensure the maintenance of international peace and security and the spread of cooperation among the countries of the world. The meeting adopted the Charter of the United Nations, avoiding revenue The word "war" in any of its provisions, to establish new rules to govern the world in its new version.

It is ironic that the victors who preached freedom and humanity and set the rules of the new world as a charter, international law and international relations, were the same ones who were the same people who were on the same day as the signing of the charter of the nascent organization, on June 26, June 1945 in San Francisco, occupying half the world, and wreaking havoc, murder, exploitation and impoverishment in Algeria, India, Vietnam, Palestine, and many others throughout the world, to turn that charter from its birth to the day of its death, into a tool of colonialism in its new form. Which preserves, protects and defends its interests with the utmost immorality in most cases.

The ongoing crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Palestinian territories reveals that shame, not the creator of it. It is worth mentioning that the number of martyrs killed by the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza has exceeded, at the time of writing the article, 38,000 Palestinians, about 75% of whom are children and women, and 80,000 wounded, and entire families were exterminated when homes were bombed on the heads of their inhabitants, 80% of Gaza's neighborhoods and homes were destroyed, and 9 out of ten in Gaza were displaced from their homes more than once.alif

A report issued by the British medical journal "Lancet", which was issued a few days ago, indicates that the expected number of deaths in Gaza until next August / August, by direct killing by the occupation forces or indirectly as a result of the starvation and prevention of the delivery of medicines, the destruction of medical facilities, sewage stations, drinking water stations, the accumulation of thousands of tons of garbage, and the spread of epidemics, will reach 186 thousand people, or 8% of the population, equivalent to 27 million and 349 thousand Americans. It is equivalent to 5 million and 437 thousand Britons and the equivalent of 6 million and 660 thousand German citizens.

All this is done in full view of the civilized world, which has won the Second World War and has pledged itself not to repeat genocide or wars.

This international racial superiority has not only been silent on the crimes committed in the South against States, peoples and ethnic and cultural groups, but all its components have been stained with the blood of innocent people when they directly participated in the commission of genocides or facilitated their commission in Rwanda and Srebrenica, and previously against Jews in Europe.

It has also committed the most heinous violations of international law and war crimes in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Panama and Cuba. This is the degeneration of a civilization that claims humanity, justice and rationality, which necessitates changing the world order to a system - more just that provides everyone with a place under the sun - based on balance, principles and the maintenance of world peace, and the promotion of international cooperation between competent equals and not between masters and slaves, between different and diverse cultures that enrich human life and human existence, and not between good and evil cultures that establish dangerous false conflicts but Existential.

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