Turkish ambitions and the equation of loss and profit

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Afrasianet - via the Justice and Freedom Party. Erdogan remains subject to his delusions of fabricating his adventures outside Turkish territory, and whenever he has the opportunity, he undertakes a new adventure, and those illusions that lead in their entirety to political failures and military setbacks will soon be revealed.

The Turkish elections are around the corner, and despite the catastrophe of the earthquake that occurred on February 6, the same illusions are pushing Erdogan to use them as a card also in these elections.

From Libya to the Mediterranean to Nagorno-Karabakh, there are flimsy roles that ultimately make it pay a heavy price for these internal and external collapses, and the conflicts and battles that it ignites in various locations in the world are only to get out of the brunt of its internal problems and the dire conditions that Turkey is going through.

In a new step to expand Turkish influence in Central Asia, similar to its military intervention in Syria, Iraq and Libya, Turkey intensified its moves to implement a new scenario in preparation for signing a security agreement with Azerbaijan that would authorize it to intervene militarily in the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict, given that it has expansionist ambitions that do not stop in the hydrocarbon-rich Republic of Azerbaijan. .

Baku and Yerevan have been involved in a conflict for decades over the Armenian-majority Nagorno-Karabakh region, which declared its secession from Azerbaijan in the war of the last nineties, and the new confrontations that flared up recently have become the most violent, and Yerevan is part of a military alliance of former Soviet republics led by Moscow, while Turkey is interfering militarily in the conflict.

The battles were carried out by transporting thousands of mercenaries from the areas occupied by the Turks in Libya and northern Syria, and thousands of militants were deployed during the past months, who were distributed in the conflict zone.

These mercenaries belong to extremist groups, and are affiliated with the factions that participated alongside Turkey in several attacks launched by it in northern and northeastern Syria, and are old opposition fighters or new recruits from the youth working under Turkey's command, and the majority of the fighters are affiliated with three main factions: Sultan Murad and Suleiman Shah and the Muntaser Billah Brigade, in addition to fighters from other factions who volunteered individually.

In general, Turkey is pressing for the continuation of this crisis under national motives and strategic political and economic goals. What is new is Turkey's entry into the line because of the impulses and dreams of Turkey's sick man, Erdogan.

This is due to several reasons, the first of which is the hostility between Turkey and Armenia, the escalation of the Armenian massacre and Armenia's demand for compensation, as Turkey aspired to open the borders. With Armenia in order to facilitate the passage of its trade towards Central Asia.

Turkey's geostrategic ambitions are wide in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and Azerbaijan, whose people speak a language branching from Turkish, is its main ally in the region and is reinforced by the common hostility to Armenia.

And half a million Armenians, and with the recognition of international bodies during the First World War, and Turkey refuses to recognize this description of what happened.

Ankara wants to detonate the war operations between Azerbaijan and Armenia as a valuable opportunity for Turkey to transfer its tension from the Middle East region to the Caucasus, as despite the fragile agreements they show in Syria, but Ankara will inevitably have to take into account Moscow's role in political and economic affairs between the Black and Sea Caspian over two centuries.

There are Erdogan's aspirations to restore Turkey to the glories of the Ottoman past, and that was a common point in Erdogan's speech throughout his rule in Turkey as prime minister first and then as president now.

As a period of aberration in the history of the country, and here comes the idea of returning Turkey to the center of the Islamic world, which is completely appropriate to this new context.

Moscow is considered the most prominent regional ruler, and the closest to Armenia, and that the two countries belong to the same military alliance, within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and if Russia feels threatened enough to dismantle the relationship it was developing with Turkey, it can deal with Turkey in Libya and most likely in Syria.

Moscow's relationship with Ankara showed signs of mutual mistrust. In secret, the representative of Turkish ambitions was President Erdogan, through his Justice and Freedom Party, who managed to overturn democracy in Turkey, to become a Brotherhood state par excellence, and to attract mercenary forces from every direction, train and arm them, and then release them across its borders to tamper with the Arab world.

The chaos of the so-called Arab Spring made the dreams of control and hegemony over the Arab countries available to every greedy person, no matter how imperfect.

The superpowers determined the areas of available oil and gas, the areas for the flow of immigrants, maneuvered, moved militarily, and fought at the hands of terrorists.

And all the time he was exploiting the Qatari funds and betrayals, and the political media, directed against most of the Arab countries, and infiltrating the presence of sympathizers with the Brotherhood, from some of the absent Arab peoples.

Today, Turkey represents a passage for mercenaries to Syria, Libya, and others, which exposes to the world the secret of its blatant interventions in Tripoli, and its desperate attempts to facilitate the arrival of money, weapons, and actual presence on the ground, and to spoil any possibility of reconciliation between the Libyans.

In Sudan, Erdogan had ambitions to maintain the rule of the Brotherhood’s Bashir, before the outbreak of the Sudanese youth revolution, and alerted them to the dangers afflicting their country, so they overthrew Al-Bashir and reached a consensual solution that satisfies the Sudanese Arab people.

Accordingly, the Turkish internal affairs were affected, the economy shook, the Turkish lira collapsed, the number of tourists decreased, the anti-Justice and Freedom Party forces rose, the internal political transformation took place, and Erdogan lost the elections in Ankara and Istanbul, and re-elected in disbelief, with his bitter loss.

It seems that the repercussions of Turkish policy in the Syrian file began to appear quickly, even dramatically, and Erdogan's government found itself in a serious political impasse.

Internationally, regionally and locally, exiting from it will cost it great losses that may topple Erdogan and his party, and perhaps in a bloody manner that may expel Turkey from the political arena for many years.

Perhaps what applies most to Erdogan and his government in its dealings with the changes and crises that afflicted the region, specifically the Syrian crisis and the global war that was waged against

Syria is the popular adage (greed and lack of calculation); Erdogan, returning to the region after an absence, tried and succeeded in entering it through the Gate of Palestine and Al-Aqsa, because of the great importance of this issue in the conscience of the Arab masses, and to appear as a savior of the crises of the Gaza Strip and as an opponent of the occupation, and to enter the Arab region, as a Sunni arm coming to stop the Shiite tide and prevent the formation of a Shiite crescent; Iran/Syria/Lebanese resistance, but in fact his entry into the Gaza Strip came;

In implementation of a plan to stop the missile attacks on the Zionist entity and break the flame of armed action in the Gaza Strip, and this was one of the pillars of this Turkish / Zionist agreement on the one hand, and his entry into the Arab region was only to besiege and break the axis of resistance, and this was also the main role of Erdogan in NATO In controlling the Arab region and the Middle East in general, which are common interests for all the parties mentioned on the other hand. Erdogan, who has an Islamic orientation, played a major role in deepening the Syrian crisis, and even threatening the Syrian presence.

A state and order, and this is a fact that no one can ignore. Erdogan, in coordination with the forces of evil allied with it, opened the door to hundreds of thousands of mercenaries who were recruited from all over the world and trained and equipped in Turkish camps. With the support of the sheikhs of petrodollars and under the supervision of intelligence officers of America / France / Britain / Saudi Arabia / Turkey, pushing them equipped with money and equipment towards northern Syria and occupying strategic areas and important cities such as Idlib and Aleppo, stationing and equipping them to become a semi-electronic state and a center of operations for all terrorist organizations and military wings operating in the Syrian homeland, and this He confirms that Erdogan, who shed tears for Gaza and its children, and weeps for Aleppo and its people; He is nothing but a Turkish greedy, ally and main partner in the war against our Arab nation.

Serving his interests and the interests of his partners. After the dangerous aggressive role played by Erdogan and his partners in the Arab region and Syria in particular became clear, the important question remains:

Where is the Turkish interest in destroying the Syrian homeland?

Where do Erdogan's ambitions lie? Did Erdogan achieve his ambitions?

Erdogan's ambitions did not stop at striking the economic structure of the Syrian state. By looting Syrian factories in Aleppo, plundering Syrian oil, stealing the historical relics of ancient civilizations in Palmyra, opening the borders to an army of smugglers who wreaked havoc on the Syrian economy, and directing armed gangs to strike the infrastructure throughout the country, but rather to trying to separate Aleppo, Idlib and northern Syria from The motherland to be a Sunni state, with Aleppo as its center, and its ambitions expanded to extend eastward to expand the area of control of the Turkish state, to achieve an old Ottoman dream, and nothing stopped this geopolitical expansion, except for the intervention of Russia, which did not interfere in the ongoing conflict in the region in support of the Syrian state as its only strategic ally.

Rather, because the interests of Russia and its allies, China and Iran; It was threatened, the most important of which is: the gas pipeline linking Iran - Turkey, which the United States aims to strike and replace it with the Qatari gas pipeline, and this is an important interest for America / the Zionist entity / Qatar, meaning that Russia entered the war only because it knows that America is the planner, and its goal is to strike The interests of Russia / China / Iran, and here exactly the course of the war began to change in favor of the Syrian axis and its allies;

Russia intervened directly and openly in the war, sending equipment, soldiers and experts, and stationed a nuclear submarine in the port of Tartus to protect the gas pipeline, which changed the battle equation in favor of the resistance alliance, and gave a strong impetus to the Syrian state, which had been exhausted by the previous five years of war, and had it not been for Russia's military and direct intervention in the ongoing war, it would not have been The equation differed; Faced with Russia's insistence that Syria will not be divided and the regime will not change, there is only Turkey left on the battlefield directly and practically, with its allies remaining in hiding. Turkey became the spearhead of this alliance and the negotiator in its name.

In sum: Erdogan's expansionist project; It began to collapse, and it was besieged thanks to the Russian intervention on the one hand, and the strength and determination of the Syrian Arab Army, to bring down the main objective of this war, which is to divide Syria politically and destroy its economy. In the region, the passage of the new Middle East project and the division and re-division of the Arab world have been crushed, and the ambitions of the Turkish Sultan to expand and achieve his ambitions have been curbed.

Erdogan's successive losses did not stop as a result of the Syrian crisis at the global and regional levels, as we mentioned above.

The state of mobilization adopted by Erdogan and his party’s leadership within Turkish society under an Islamic/humanitarian cover is the need to intervene to save the Sunni Muslims of Syria from the oppression of the Alawite regime and to stop the Shiite sect’s encroachment on the region, with what accompanied this falsification of facts in terms of fabricated pictures and films about cases of killing, arson, and extermination in Syria. at the hands of the regime; creating a state of popular upheaval and congestion; He made the issue of retreating politically unacceptable.

Rather, he increased the popular pressure, and from the bases of his party to rush forward in his war against Syria, and this produced this popular convulsion.

Cases of bloody acts of bombings and demonstrations to increase pressure on Erdogan, in addition to the repercussions of the situation on the Turkish economy in the banking and commercial sectors and the investment of the Turkish opposition to defeat Erdogan and expose the falsehood of his claims, in addition to the pressure exerted by the PKK on the government and carrying out bombings in sensitive locations in the country,

These conditions were accompanied by a series of scandals for Erdogan and his family, about the smuggling and theft of Syrian oil and cooperation operations with ISIS, and the last pressure on Erdogan was the heavy losses in the ranks of the army in the city of Al-Bab, where yesterday's protégés of ISIS turned against him.

The facts that have been revealed about Turkish ambitions should be a warning bell and an alert to what is being plotted against the Arab world, especially since there are Arab extensions with the Caucasus region, especially Armenia, which is also suffering from the brunt of Erdogan's ambitions in the region.


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