America... the war of sanctions and blockade

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Afrasianet -  Mounir Shafiq - When the United States implements a policy of sanctions and blockade against states that reject its hegemony, and exercise its legitimate right to preserve their independence, sovereignty, and the interests of their peoples, the first violates international law and the Charter of the United Nations, aggravates the international situation, poisons international relations, and turns them into the law of the jungle, in addition to violating them.

For all values related to peoples' lives and human dignity.

The imposition of sanctions and embargo on any country in the world, and with it the punishment of companies that deal with it, their fragments affect a number of other countries that are forced - under threat and blackmail - to participate, in practice, in this policy.

Major damages are inflicted on neighboring countries, as happened in the case of the criminal “Caesar Act” that is still being applied to Syria, from an effect that Lebanon is also paying the price for.

The imposition of sanctions and the economic, military, political and social blockade leads to the disruption of economic growth, and creates a state of internal austerity that confuses the whole situation, because no country that respects itself, its sovereignty, and its interests accepts surrender under the pressure of sanctions and blockade that force it to bear heavy damage, which, no matter how severe it is, remains less harmful. From surrendering and accepting Washington's policies and dictates, especially when it comes to an Arab or Islamic country; This is because the conditions for lifting sanctions require the US to submit to Zionist policies and abandon the Palestinian cause.

On the other hand, in contrast - even to what America declares about the goal of changing the policies of the concerned state - there is a policy that targets people, impoverishing them, depriving them even of electricity and medicine, and protecting their children from health consequences for their structure, education and future.

Therefore, America knows, through its long experience against many third-world countries, that regimes stand firm and are not subject to sanctions and blockade. Hence, the sanctions will only be achieved by harassing the people and harming their lives, which is what makes the real goal of America not the regime’s policies, but rather the starvation of the people and the destruction of countries, as it is a required goal in itself.

The foregoing is evidenced by the sanctions on Syria, the Gaza Strip, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, North Korea and Venezuela, which show that the people are practically and primarily targeted, and that the political goal is unattainable.

Therefore, the states and free people of the world, as well as the United Nations and organizations for the defense of international law and human rights, including organizations for the protection of children and care for public health, must raise their voices against America’s practices in the field of sanctions policy, and condemn it for the humanitarian disasters it causes. For the peoples against whom these policies are implemented.

The human disasters that befell the punished and besieged peoples must be transformed into humanitarian, political and moral issues.

It is a shame for the United Nations and international organizations and bodies that the sanctions against Syria, the Gaza Strip, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, North Korea and Venezuela continue.

Today, the sanctions policies are extending to include Russia and China, which means that the United States is threatening the whole world with the outbreak of a global war that threatens human existence, just as it threatens life on our planet.

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