Luhansk and Donetsk and the right to self-determination

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Afrasianet - Double standards and double standards Deviating from the laws of international consensus, the United States of America acts without regard to correct moral or legal considerations.

After the end of the era of bipolarity and the absence of international balance, the world has become governed by American perceptions of what is permitted and what is prohibited, as it describes legitimate resistance as terrorism - As is the case in the occupied Arab lands - and calls state terrorism legitimate self-defense, as in describing the acts of "Israeli" aggression against the defenseless Palestinian people at the present time. It also justifies its aggression against countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Latin American countries, and the list goes on.

The right to self-determination is included in the same context, but America selectively bypasses this law in time for its own interests. Unfortunately, the West in general, which has become a hostage to the American decision, has lost control of its political decision, and tomorrow it becomes a follower of American dictates.

As always, the UN Security Council fails to pass any draft resolution in this regard, because it therefore does not deal with the essence on which the United Nations was founded, and which was also included in the US Constitution, i.e. the right to self-determination and respect for the will of peoples.

It is worth noting that there are a number of political scientists who believe that the term “the right to self-determination” is an international political term. Political science defines it as the right of every society that has a distinct collective identity, such as a people or an ethnic group, through which it defines its political, social, economic and security goals, and chooses the regime. the politician who suits him, in order to achieve his welfare and requirements, and to manage his life without any foreign interference;

In other words, every people of the world has the right to govern themselves, and to choose their own political and economic system without oppression or pressure from other political systems. Undoubtedly, the goal of peoples exercising the right to self-determination and independence is to establish an independent sovereign state, to associate freely with an independent state, to integrate into another state, or to acquire another political position that he defines himself, with absolute freedom.

Peaceful means or the use of force "coercive means". The principle of the right to self-determination is still one of the governing and basic principles in international relations - despite the attempts of the United States of America to deny it to some and endorse it to others, as is the case with East Timor, South Sudan and some countries of the former Yugoslavia that were torn apart by American ambitions.

While refusing to recognize this right in occupied Palestine and in the republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, which have chosen to return to the motherland, we consider the unlimited suffering on the part of Ukraine, the state that represents the new colonial protectorate of America and NATO.

At the same time, the right to self-determination is one of the peremptory rules of international law, which may not be violated or agreed upon, whether by states or by international bodies. In addition, the right to self-determination is credited with the majority of states gaining their independence.

As countries relied on it in their struggle and their bitter struggle against colonialism, then the United States of America turned to public international law by denying this right.

If it is agreed that the UN Security Council was paralyzed and incapacitated during the Cold War period, as a result of the excessive use of the veto power, in defense of the interests of America and the interests of its allies, who are no longer allies but rather subordinates without regard to correct moral or legal considerations, then it is After the end of the era of bipolarity and the absence of international balance since the last decade of the last century, the world has become governed by American perceptions of what is permitted and what is prohibited, as it describes legitimate resistance as terrorism - as is the case in the occupied Arab lands - and calls state terrorism legitimate self-defense, just as In describing the acts of "Israeli" aggression against the defenseless Palestinian people at the present time.

To sum up, the Security Council's adoption of double standards when looking at issues brought before it has led to an increase in the feelings of small states and vulnerable peoples about the lack of integrity and impartiality of the Council, and to the prevailing belief that major powers - especially the United States of America - use the Security Council to achieve their own interests. In other words, the United Nations was not isolated from the American attempts to impose its control on the world and attempt to change its governing rules. The right of peoples to self-determination.

Finally, it can be said that the principle of the right to self-determination is still one of the governing and fundamental principles in international relations - despite the attempts of the United States of America to deny it to the Palestinian people - and at the same time the right to self-determination is one of the peremptory rules of international law, which may not be violated or violated.

Agreeing on what contradicts it, whether by states, or through international bodies, in addition to the fact that the right to self-determination is credited with the majority of states gaining their independence; Where the states relied on it in their bitter struggle and struggle against colonialism, and then the United States of America violated public international law by denying this right to the Palestinian people through its continued absolute support for the Zionist entity in all bodies of the United Nations, especially the Security Council.

The republics of Lugansk and Donetsk have the right to choose their fates, peace or war, and this certainly does not contradict the legitimate international right, even if America tried to prevent that, and this will not happen. It is stupid leaders to wake up when it is not too late.

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