Afrasianet - Sobhi Ghandour *- is now the era of radicalism, the era of the return to "primitive", including the sanctification of fire and its people, while people are firewood and fuel, where more and more people are following the "pyrotechnic groups" that ignite flames here and there, You become a victim of the leaders and ideas of these groups, innocent souls in different places of the world !.
The responsibility here lies with both the subordinate and the subordinate, the losers for their role in the face of extremism, and the violators of the nature of divine wisdom in the goal of difference between human beings, and those who exploit the honesty of fragmentation in the earth and in maintaining the balance and moderation of nature.
The world of the world does not live in fear of the "other" as a person or a different society in its culture, color or belief only, but also live the fear of nature and disasters, and the corruption of the consumption of human beings for their wealth and wealth. Today's world has "transformed" the manifestations of extremism and feelings of fear and hatred. It may contribute to the responsibility of this "negative globalization" of scientific development in the media and in the information technology and means of social "communication", as it seems that the closer the world to each other, the media, the expert and technical, cultural and social divergence !.
Today's world fears tomorrow, rather than every new day, as a new hope for a better life. People and groups living in fear of terrorism that may occur in their religious, commercial or educational centers, and the coexistence of terrorism resulting from the occupation or tampering with local violent conflicts. Communities afraid of "ghosts", and other people live like ghosts! But everyone shares the fear of the next unknown future !.
In the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Arabs and Muslims wrote about Israeli and foreign plans to make Islam the "new enemy" of the West. Others wrote in America and the West, preaching the "clash of civilizations" theory. But they were all writings and mere ink on paper until the events of September 11, 2001.
The world has been living this particular negative situation since September 11, 2001. This day was a justification for the start of a foolish policy led by "new conservatives" in Washington, fueled by a sense of fear and hatred.
September 11, 2001 was the day for the triumph of extremism all over the world, on the day when political and ideological extremism in every country of the world flourished. After him, the "global extremists" served each other, even though they were fighting in different fields. Their victims were all innocent. After the discovery of this policy, racist voices emerged in Europe and America condemning Islam, Muslims and Arabs in bulk, and not to hold individual actions here and there.
Racial extremism in Western societies has increased in recent years and is now present in presidential positions in several countries, including the United States. This has encouraged the followers of racist movements and groups to engage in acts of violence and terrorism, including European and American cities, In a heinous crime that killed and wounded dozens of Muslim worshipers.
It is true that the positions and statements of many official officials in the West refuse to confuse Islam and Arabs on the one hand, and between "terrorism" on the other, but some Western media and many Western politicians often broadcast what is a source of doubt, suspicion and fear of all Arabic and every Muslim in America and Europe to Australia.
This anti-Arab and anti-Muslim culture contributed to strengthening the conservative right-wing in America and in several European countries. It also had an effective influence on the success of its representatives in the congressional elections during the era of Barack Obama, and then the transfer of Donald Trump to the US presidency.
The political, cultural and media climate in the United States and the West in general is ready for every storm storming against all that is Arab and Islamic, especially after the occurrence and occurrence of terrorist practices Here or there, and adopt it "urging" and gives great momentum and fuel to fire the campaign against Arabs and Muslims wherever they are.
With the Trump administration coming to the White House, America and some Western countries turned to the policy of abandoning "globalization" on both its economic and military sides, replacing it with policies based on "nationalities" and interests, not on international blocs restricting the United States movement or obliging them to Of which. Those who follow the statements of the leaders of extreme right-wing parties in several European countries find a common denominator with Trump's arguments and orientations against all the implications of "globalization" and on the basis of racist concepts.
The other issue, which coincided with the wave of retreat in the West from "globalization" in favor of "nationalities," is the emergence of a religious factor that helps to justify racism against different peoples and cultures, as we have seen in the conservative religious streams that supported Donald Trump. The danger of this factor in the political life of Western countries is that it is bent on its rulers to extremism and contradictions with their constitutions and secular societies, and makes their war with terrorist groups in the world as wars with other religions and nationalities!
When the accused is a terrorist group with Arab and Islamic names, the general anger of the Arabs revolves around Arabs and Muslims wherever they may be. If this is added to what has been planted in the minds of Westerners since the 1990s, writings and media (a march by racist Zionist or racist groups) Who is alleged about the "Islamic threat" coming to the West !? And how is the magnitude of this anger if it is issued by a general ignorance of Islam and the Arabs and the issues of Arabs and Muslims? How can this anger be accompanied by false negative practices, carried out by a number of Arabs and Muslims, even within the Western societies that are suffering from the influx of immigrants, and by these new immigrants (from different countries of the world) of rituals, customs, traditions and manifestations that do not merge Quickly with the lifestyle of Western societies!
The problem of the "Muslim world" is not with the Christians in the West, because the "Christian West" itself suffered from bloody conflicts resulting from the conflict of interests between the rulers of the "Western world" and also as a result of racial and ethnic racism rooted in Europe and the United States, In the twentieth century wars never seen before the world, took place between European Christian countries, combining the geographical location as one combined religion and one civilization.
Those who are now marketing in the West the idea of a "conflict between Islam and the West" really want this invitation to make the whole West a single front against Islam as a geographical location, and the heart of this geographical location is the Arab world.
But there are forces within the West that want to come closer to the Arabs and Muslims, as there are in the West forces that want to fight with them. There are in the West forces fighting with each other, and there are within the Islamic world internal wars on more than one level. There are no fronts: Western and Islamic, but there are different blocs and conflicting forces in each of the signatories.
It is the responsibility of those in the leadership position at all levels that racist tendencies in Western societies are besieged and isolated, as is responsibility for violence groups in Arab and Islamic societies. Is the responsibility of the ruling leaders and religious leaders and leaders of the institutions of civil societies and media, all responsible for the decline in the values of the world today and the brutal practices in the killing of innocent people.
* Director of the Center for Arab Dialogue in Washington.